Tell me about Warlock
Old-School Essentials, particularly with some of the Advanced Fantasy options!
Though lately, I've been taking another look at The Fantasy Trip, wondering if it might turn out to be a hidden gem of a game for OSR sensibilities...
These days I don't really run a system per se. I like a lightweight frame that I can patch other bits on to as I need them.
Whitehack, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and especially Pariah are all ones that had a significant impact on how I run games now. There are also several games outside the OSR space that have likewise influenced me heavily.
Though if I am evangelizing it will often be off the back of Cairn because then everyone can have a copy.
...i've only played B/X, but i'm very interested in OSR-style 5e hacks: curious to see how goodman's advanced advantage turns out...
I've got,
OD&D, BX*, DCC*, OSE*, Black sword hack and Basic Fantasy. I've also got a couple that are OSR in spirit, Cairn* and Warlock*.
My favs are BX and warlock so far. I'm eager to try out Black Sword Hack for another take on it.
DCC has amazing art but wasn't my favourite otherwise.