Tell me about Warlock
Warlock is a rules-light version of warhammer fantasy roleplay. The core dice mechanic is d20+skill. Combat rolls are opposed rolls, sword vs mace skills for example. It uses the career system from wfrp so characters start as something like rat catcher and change careers to advance. If you like the warhammer old world but don't want a crunchy game, I'd recommend it.
Old-School Essentials, particularly with some of the Advanced Fantasy options!
Though lately, I've been taking another look at The Fantasy Trip, wondering if it might turn out to be a hidden gem of a game for OSR sensibilities...
These days I don't really run a system per se. I like a lightweight frame that I can patch other bits on to as I need them.
Whitehack, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, and especially Pariah are all ones that had a significant impact on how I run games now. There are also several games outside the OSR space that have likewise influenced me heavily.
Though if I am evangelizing it will often be off the back of Cairn because then everyone can have a copy.
...i've only played B/X, but i'm very interested in OSR-style 5e hacks: curious to see how goodman's advanced advantage turns out...
I've got,
OD&D, BX*, DCC*, OSE*, Black sword hack and Basic Fantasy. I've also got a couple that are OSR in spirit, Cairn* and Warlock*.
My favs are BX and warlock so far. I'm eager to try out Black Sword Hack for another take on it.
DCC has amazing art but wasn't my favourite otherwise.