Name: Nora
Nicknames: Nörchen, Norora Borealis, The Baby, Guardgoyle, My Darling, Mürzel
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities cats
Name: Nora
Nicknames: Nörchen, Norora Borealis, The Baby, Guardgoyle, My Darling, Mürzel
Norora borealis? At this time of year, at this latitude, localized entirely within your bedroom?
No pictures, sorry. Got two of them. (Two of them)
Pistache (Pistachio, classic Calico tabby)
And, Earl Grey (Super chonky muted tuxedo tabby)
Fully Loaded Potato is perfection.
Polina aka Apollinaria Cassiopeia last name aka Sackratte (imma let you ecose that).
She's tiny, she's a drama queen and if you pet her the wrong for 3 picoseconds, you'll get the teeth.
Sabrina -> Bree -> The Cheese -> Cheesy
Scruffy aka Big Boy. Since i can't seem to upload, he has no teeth and a floppy ear. When he arrived on my doorstep 6 years ago, his fur was matted, his mouth bloody and inflamed (stomatitis, which got his teeth pulled) and he has a BB permanently lodged in his side from some asswipe that shot him. About 16 pounds.
The standard issue one is Morpheus, and the orange is his younger sister (from a different litter) Avocado Toast. Together they are the international pop duo Morphy and Toasty (don't have anything sillier than that, though I will try to use any that get suggested).
Taco Bob often gets called Robert or Turkey Bird
Pliny is usually just Pliny or Pliny Kitty.
They're cuties! I love the trend of having a 'sillier' official name and getting formal for the nickname! Is Taco Bob a big fan of tacos, or is it more of a vibe thing?
I think Pliny not being Elder or Younger is a missed opportunity though :P
One of my cats is called Pipping but I call him Chonky (He's actually not chonky but behaves like he is.)
Big Chonk Energy
big chonk energy is real!
We have a runt who barely weighs 7 pounds but eats like a fatass. When I do the rounds filling bowls, she follows me to eat the absolute freshest food just placed.
We have two brothers. Their names are Rocky and Rambeaux.
We call Rocky "Rockity Pockity Man" and Rambeaux is "Rambles Wambles Tambles Mambles."
My cats name is Jimmy and sometimes I call him Oggy, especially when he's chasing bugs (no cockroaches here but I hope you get the reference)
Gadget, or sometimes just Gadg, more often Gadgey-poo. The other brat is Nova, or most commonly Nova-beans.
My sister calls my male young cat Åse, a nordic SENIOR female name. I have no idea how she got it.
Gusfraba (gusi, gus) and genebre (gine)
Zim and Kylo have become "Silky" and "Fluffy Butt".
Zim gives me Invader Zim vibes and Kylo's name I inherited when I rescued him. Not like he answers to it or anything.
One of our cats is Meshe, we call her Moo. Meshe -> Mooshe -> Moo.
Bonus: we have a dog named Gismo, we call him big boobs. Don't ask how we got there, it makes sense.
Dexie, or Puddin Poopers