Gotta say, really hated Mark's issue with Cecil this season. Stupidly short-sighted. Then again, I also find "no killing" heroes exhausting in general.
Invincible (show and comics)
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Episode discussions
I think it is in character for Mark. He's a young 19 year old man with a black or white sense of justice, makes sense that he acts impulsively.
I don't think it's out of character, doesn't mean I have to like it either.
I honestly understood why Mark went so heavily against Cecil at the start of the season. My man was in excruciating pain as soon as Cecil didn't like what was coming out of his mouth
That being said, I think it was a deliberate choice for Mark to learn the wrong lessons by the end of the season, becoming too radical for his own good. I'm looking forward to where his journey goes in the future
hahaha, good point
I like how the character colors match the message bubbles!
Were short staffed tonight.
Why? Did the immortal die again...
that fraud ass mf
How do cell phones from the different dimensions work? Do all Marks get the message or just a random one with a cell phone?
Oh yeah. I'm behind! No sleep tonight!