Another day, another mass shooting.
Freedumb rings.
This was outside a bar called The Barely House, which is Cleveland’s douchebag central. It is run by a father son duo, Tony and Bobby George, who I would nominate as the worst people in Cleveland.
You should come on down to W. 6th Street. 🎶 It's the perfect place if you're a douchebag. 🎶
Only country where these happen regularly, days there's nothing that can be done.
Every time I ask this question:
What law do you propose, that didn’t already exist, wouldn’t violate the Bill of Rights, and wouldn’t cause a civil war, and would actually be enforceable?
Most of the time I either get answers that include laws that already exist that the government just doesn’t enforce, or a “fuck the constitution, let’s have a civil war!” (And not just "fuck the 2nd", but most of the bill of rights.)
For example the army is supposed to report people discharged dishonorably to the NCIS. They don’t.
The ATF is supposed to follow up when a banned individual tries to buy a gun. They don’t.
The ATF is supposed to check on people when gun dealers report them for attempted straw purchases. They don’t.
Many "juveniles" with long, violent histories, don't get added (TeH sChOol tO PrISon PipElInE) and so are able to buy them.
Know someone who has illegal weapons? Call the police and see what they do. Here’s a hint: nothing
If the rules we have were enforced very few of these shootings would happen. Passing another law and not enforcing it isn't going to help.
So, does anyone have one?
EDIT: Downvotes and no responses. You want to "do something about this"? Tell me what that is!
I think carrying things for self defense should be more normalized. These events happen most often in areas where they know they won't immediately be taken down. We don't all need actual firearms, although that would be part of it. And this would be a preventative measure foremost.
These kinds of arguments depend on people thinking rationally all of the time, which isn't realistic. Violent offenders often have no regard for their own safety, so why would they care if people are armed? They wouldn't. This would only cause non-violent people to rely on violence for their safety. A simple solution, but not a very civil one.
People don't always think rationally, but even criminals generally do. Places unlikely to have armed people are more common targets. It's never going to stop 100%, but it would reduce occurrences.
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