Lots of westerners love to be in China, Russia and all those places we are being told are 'evil dictators'. In the mean time western Capitalist elite have grown to be the most dictatorial oppressive and harmful system ever devised in human history..
The US loves to create a narrative that's beneficial to it. There's "freedumbs peach" but they control which narrative to amplify and reach the masses artificially (no matter how many USApes claim otherwise). It's targeted and it's effective.
If you go against the narrative, you're basically tuned out of the media, called a traitor, shit is thrown at you by their "independent critics", and the hillbillies hate you for the sake of hating and you kill "yourself?" in prison if you mess with people with deep pockets. That will also get little to no coverage (just enough for plausible deniability) and is swept under by another hot topic.
In china and russia, you go straight to prison and die there (and the rest follows).
All these countries are shit.
China, 中国
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