Megastructure, I learned it in Moonfall.
more moon!!!
Yo dog, I herd you like moon...
moon ii
Is it cheese?
Alarmingly, no. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
AI: A new study published in May 2023 claims that the Moon's inner core is actually a solid ball with a density similar to that of iron. The results contradict the traditional idea that the lunar core is made of liquid. The findings also challenge the generally accepted theory of how the Moon's magnetic field formed. Scientists hope that new discoveries will help them better understand the history of the Moon and the solar system as a whole.
"Traditional theory that the core was liquid?"
Huh, never learned that theory. Why would it be liquid, isn't it pretty well known that there's no tectonic activity? What would keep it from solidifying? And if it's solid, I'm back to the question of who thought it was liquid?
So it is a frozen mass of Miracle Whip?
Isn’t it hollow?
I always thought that the moon had Robin Williams floating head flying around on it.
Social Experiment. Become Me. What I see, you see.