So this can get an anime but not Mikadono? Okay, Japan, I see how it is...but that doesn't mean I have to like it...
I would've expected, if I saw news about this series, that it would be to announce that it was being axed. It seems a bit late in the game for an adaptation.
Granted - I dropped it a couple of years ago and it might've improved since then, but it just doesn't seem likely that it actually has.
It was decent enough when it started - if nothing else, the art is charming and the girls are all cute, and all in different (if tropish) ways.
But Medaka and his whole situation always came off a bit vague and contrived, and as it went on, it just got more and more obviously and awkwardly contrived. He didn't get any sort of character development really - he was just assigned a handful of traits and reactions, given a handwaved backstory that sort of vaguely gave them something that sometimes resembled context, and inserted into the story.
And beyond being cute, the female leads really didn't bring anything interesting to the mix either. Mona is the class idol, but she's actually self-conscious and insecure. Asahi is the cute sporty girl, but she's actually self-conscious and and insecure. And Namba is the cool beauty, but she's actually - surprise surprise - self-conscious and insecure.
And... that's about it really - a selection of cute but insecure girls and a guy who cycles back and forth between stoic and awkward because something something monastery.
Again though - maybe it unexpectedly improved after I dropped it. I dunno - it just seems odd to me that it's getting an adaptation this late in the game.
I haven't read this series, but your comment got me curious, so I checked out the reddit thread about this announcement to see what the sentiment was like. To sum things up, they are just as surprised as you. A lot of comments about how uninteresting the MC is and how poorly done the harem aspect is.
This one is probably a pass for me. It generally falls within the "cute girl(s) fall for boring guy for seemingly little to no reason" genre.
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