I love wandering into communities where I don’t understand the memes at all. Y’all are great .
Im guessing that FAA rules say you need to be at 250mph or less below 10k ft, but its so commonly broken that everyone just pretends that everyone is following it.
My guess at acronyms:
ATC - Air traffic control
PM - nope
CA - Captain. The pilot.
FO - Flight officer? The copilot.
PM would be the "Pilot Monitoring." On these commercial airlines you will always have a pilot flying (PF) and pilot monitoring (PM). The PM also normally handles communication duties so the PF can focus fully on flying the aircraft.
FO is the first officer.
Me too lol. Running across this via the all feed is a fun thing. It sometimes has drawbacks when some really weird kink community shows up with some unpleasant imagery for my preferences, but that's still kinda cool despite that.
Aviation Memes
Be civil
Always check if a picture had been reposted already
Don't post or make memes while piloting
4.Whomever breaks the rules will be forced to fly inside of a boeing
5.Don't make memes that are lower quality than boeing.