also i'd be perfectly fine if claudio joins the elite mostly because that boy looks fine in a suit
see cody it's not hard to get a decent tattoo
It didn't even look very good, just don't do what Cody did lol
thunder rosa's costumes are so good <3
Deonna's no slouch there either. She had a stunning entrance robe tonight.
i'm actually so glad the match ended like it did because they both deserved to be strong!
Kinda love Orange's video
I'm gonna punch Trent
(in the face)
trent is a good friend he got orange motivated
i just watched adam playing ff7 rebirth how can i boo him :D
i really want edge to join the house of black T_T
also toni storm vs deeb gives me such anxiety because i love deeb but also toni is crushing it as champion <3
I want Edge to join the Dark Order!
Kinda digging Trent's new music.
does mjf have a keyblade hanging on his wall? because honestly that makes him so cool
step 1: ospreay wins the owen cup
step 2: ospreay wins the world title
step 3: ospreay goes for nandos
also i want a hook/shibata team
i love will ospreay so hecking much he even makes me like don callis
I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The most loved guy in AEW with the most hated manager... Something's gotta give.
"he's going to the hospital anyway" was kinda badass tho :D
Perhaps Don is just unfairly hated
Willow and Mercedes are having a pretty awesome, hard hitting match. I knew this was going to be great, but I don't think I thought it would be great in quite this way.
Match of the night for me!
"what did i do?" - penta, probably
aw i just watched the owen dsotr the other night too. so glad we're bringing back the owen cup again.
That episode made me feel for Martha so much. Makes me happy anytime she turns up now.
his son too especially when owen drove with him to the airport for the last time ugh :(
If AEW accomplished nothing else, it gave us back Owen Hart in some form. And I'm grateful for that.
HHH inspired look
Some Flair and Punk energy in his promo
The man got the AEW logo tattooed on his body. Unless something goes really wrong, he's a lifer.
Loving the blue and white on Thunder!
Also I guess I understand why, but I really wanted Takeshita to win this one. Great match but didn't need to be on the PPV
Damn Toni had to bust out a Top Rope Storm Zero
as the owner of many a ttrpg dice set, chris should have used 1d4s
Brandon Cutler should bring back the D&D gimmick and use D4s like that.
I still don't understand why Hook has a Carl's Jr happy star on his trunks. Is it some sort of endorsement deal or something?
About time Bryce got off his ass and ejected the Undisputed Kingdom
Per PWI Elite, another injured person flew into Phoenix today, just a few hours away from the venue in Vegas.
Our scumbag. Might be nothing, given the timing and proximity you never know however. Last I checked he should not be cleared for anything, time wise.
Because I agree it should be way too early for him to return unless they've been misleading people, I think It's a big show and half expect he wants to be there for them, and show some support to his friends and coworkers.
Let this be a reminder how good Serena Deeb is. Thatβs up there with her vs Riho a few years ago.
And Toni was amazing as always.
So that's what theyre going with
Ospreay ignored Callis and won
Takeshita follows his advice and loses
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