I still don't understand why Hook has a Carl's Jr happy star on his trunks. Is it some sort of endorsement deal or something?
Could be, same stuff Lesnar did, but seems...odd lol.
Bruv did it!
Crazy opening match!
I wanted to say I had no doubt but I kinda did and am glad I was wrong!
π’ Orange's denim is getting really dark
Trent really ruined the Best Friends
Someone who has been injured is in town, no word on involvement or visiting/supporting family as of yet
Man, I missed MJF
Luther is so good in the background.
Canβt remember the last time I rooted against The Acclaimed.
TK has me paranoid, this is like the 3rd time I've tuned in a little late to find out Ospreay is opening
Next time it happens Ospreay gets a beat-down on the way to the ring just to fuck with you.
That was a nasty landing
Nigel gets to simp for Mariah on Saturday and Toni on Sunday, such a lucky
Iβve been so tired of Jericho but he made me guffaw smiling and waving at the crowd.
Takeshita might actually win this one
Is Copeland in the Mox, OC category for most OP
Pretty much, plus he has the extra benefit of being the vet amongst vets in that trio (31 years to their 19 and 20). In kayfabe he's at that "The reason I'm not the world champ is because I'm too old and tired for that shit, don't make me reconsider my stance.." phase.
Wtf is going on lmao
"Cut that music it's costing me like $200,000 every time it plays, cut that music! I can't afford this we don't have enough budget for god's sake"
Matthew making me damned near shit myself laughing holy fuck lmao
if gob bluth could afford it then aew can
wheeler yuta really was the glue that held the best friends together i guess
Guess that explains the water bath spot.
Watch out Rey its slippery out there!
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