
joined 1 month ago
[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 4 days ago

I download youtube videos in .mp3 format very often, both for music and to listen to as podcasts. I don't know if it's the best method but this is how i do it:

  • Use the MultiSelect extension to select multiple videos and put them in a playlist, which i name Download. This playlist has to be public.

  • Use Open Video Downloader to download this playlist, making sure that it writes the metadata in tags. If necessary, it can also download age-restricted videos by importing cookies from your browser, i've done it a couple of times but it's not convenient.

  • I pretty much leave it at that, but you could use a media tagger to add further information to the files.

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 4 days ago

People are arguing about the audio quality, meanwhile the only reason i don't do this is because i find it more work to tag and name the files properly. When you download from Soulseek/torrenting it usually comes already tagged

I do still have youtube downloads in my library, especially when it's just one or two songs.

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 61 points 2 weeks ago

If, like me, you just wanted to know what the Bob Dylan defence, is:

"Meta's response in this case seems to be that a powerful technology corporation should not be held to the same standard as everyone else for illegal conduct."

The authors mocked Meta for raising what they call "the Bob Dylan defense" of its torrenting, citing song lyrics from "Sweetheart Like You" that say, "Steal a little and they throw you in jail / Steal a lot and they make you king."

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Look, the only reason we even know about Meta torrenting books is because they're getting sued. Evidently they're not getting away with it, unless they win this case

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, video storage is what prevents corporations from creating YouTube competitors, and it also prevents decentralized users from competing

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Google going bankrupt would almost certainly mean YouTube disappears. Which can happen, but it's not a good thing

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 weeks ago

I asked this question and was linked a github that keeps an up-to-date list of trackers that work. That, as far as i can tell, is the best i can do.

They're public torrents, if people don't want it then there's not much i can do

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I don't think ideas are the problem, it's that new forms of distribution are causing the industry to panic. Producers are making safer bets (sequels, remakes, franchises) so original ideas, which tons of people have, aren't getting funded.

Also worth noting that producers these days are less Hollywood and more Wall Street, they don't really understand movies so they make calls based on numbers and precedent that let them estimate profitability.

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 49 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah i'll run out of space one day, but the more popular movies will be the first to go because i know i can get them again.

Still plenty of chance for someone to seize my lonely booty

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 18 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

No, it's movies, and it's largely smaller lower-quality RARBG releases. They used to have a range of qualities available and the middle was always more popular, their highest and lowest quality releases used to be harder to seed, and that was years ago before they shut down

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 month ago

Beats me. I get peers from DHT, from trackers, and a few from PEX, but once they're in a lot of them time out. A lot of them return "Connection reset" too.

Happens a lot less when i set up port forwarding properly, but it still happens. Could be a lot of things, and i don't have the technical knowledge to even know about most

[–] 0range@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

~~No i haven't tried that yet, my assumption is that this only includes the settings and not the actual transfers. If it did include the transfers then Tixati users would just do that, instead i was always told to transplant core2.dat~~

Wait, now that i read that, it DOES include transfers! I did not know that, that's a solid lead thank you

EDIT: It works, all the transfers are backed up; this is a lot better, especially because i preserves dates (Created, Completed, Bits uploaded, Ratio, etc).

BUT, the file locations are also backed up. This is a problem because i'm switching from Windows to Linux, so i can't recreate the file structure because it starts with D:/ instead of starting with /media

Once i update the file location, it triggers a force check, which is the point where some of them fail and display 99% even though they were 100% before. That problem is still unsolved, and i now realize it probably can't be solved.

Overall though this is great, you made me notice something i didn't and it's way better than what i was doing, thanks!

EDIT EDIT: yeah i've come to the conclusion that those who were 100% and are now 99% are just corrupted.

Aside from that, yeah, the file paths are different on Linux and Windows so you'll have to rebind the locations. At this point you'll get "error file missing" for no reason, you can force check to get rid of that.


I'm pretty sure. I think. I can't find a core2.dat in my Linux filesystem so i assume it works some other way, and therefore it's cooked.

The reason i want to do this is because transplanting core2.dat is what you usually do to recover your settings and transfers. I this case though i've installed it on my Linux PC so i don't think this is going to work.

I've resorted to exporting all magnets and re-importing them, but that has a few drawbacks.

I'll update if i find better solutions. So far, if you want to transfer your Tixati from Windows to Linux, my advice is probably don't

UPDATE: with help in this thread, i've figured it out. Here's a summary for future reader convenience.

You use the Import Export feature, honestly i don't know why i ever transplanted core2.dat when this is available. It saves everything, including stats such as Created, Completed, Bits uploaded, Ratio, etc

Now file paths in Linux start with /media instead of starting with D: so all the file location settings will be broken; you have to rebind them. If, like me, you had all your torrents sorted into folders, that's a pain because now you have to do them all one by one. Maybe it's better to move them all into one folder while still in Windows.

At this point i got some “error file missing” for no reason, force checking fixed all of that.

Another problem i had is that some transfers that were 100% became 99%. That, i believe, is due to file corruption. The same transfers also had the same problem in Windows with nothing changed so i don't think they were broken by the process above. It sucks, only solution i can think of is to hope someone comes around and seeds them, which isn't going to happen for me and my hoard of dead torrents.

It occurs to me that the import/export feature of Tixati outputs a file, and you can probably edit that file to your convenience before inputting it back into Tixati. You can edit the file paths right there, but you can't fix the 99% torrents because they'll be revealed as broken the moment you make them seed.

That's all in know on this topic, good luck


I'm getting back into torrenting and i have a bunch of YIFY, YTS, and RARBG torrents still leftover from back in the day. As the screenshot shows, most of their trackers are not working, i assume they went offline when the relevant websites went offline.

The DHT is carrying and will keep these in circulation, especially when a lot of search engines use the DHT; but a lot of them are still getting stuck, it would be better if the trackers worked.

Are there new ones that carry the torch? Do the successors to these release groups have their trackers too? I'm looking for YTS and RARBG especially but i'd welcome any good current tracker that helps people find my shit

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