simple answer for that: pods. These things have dominated the market. Also, alot of past users have sadly gone back to vaping, as (such as yourself) liked using DNA mods with RTAs/RDAs. thoese are now illegal in our country as they are not "child safe". Sadly we have not been able to rein in the bills the goverment keep passing, with tax hikes on the liquid, and now the next ban is going to be any flavor whatsoever other than tobacco and mint, sadly the tight grip has choked the market, and we will start seeing a black market (if it has not grown already) pop up for juice. i know for hardware, your going to have to order it from fasttech or 3fvape as nobody is going to have anything than a handful of box mods and the rest pods. This of course is applying to the laws here in canada, I don't know how bad it is down in the USA
should of been called "I want a better Life than home" campaign.
lol.....canadian/american language barrier. we call electricity hydro here. that's what i mean to say. sorry.
hah, funny.
does a fleshlight count?
oh lol. what is right in german?
i would bake that shit. baked broccoli is tasty as fuck.
well i spent time in the psych ward and first they told me i have bipolar, then borderline personality disorder, and GAD. im he/him but i think it was just the loneliness getting to me. I feel like i can't share my views or how im very privacy centric with my internet traffic without being told to "take my meds"
I sleep on the floor with a mattress and a boxspring.
well its no surprise that there was the exodus from reddit, and i am guessing that reddit is predominantly people who identify as cis-males.
well they can go take a long hike somewhere for all i care.