Give who an excuse, AH? I mean, Serbia has a pretty rocky history with the seige of Sarajevo and all.
I grew up in small town Ontario and live in Toronto. I'm curious if someone thinks I have an accent.
What the fuck, I have a accent?
Me too
This is why I don't go-to the gym.
I have a similar image I stole from Reddit
"I use Gentoo sir and my DE is i3, I brought my dotfiles if you would like to see them"
"Son, it's great to have you here. HONEY IM TAKING STEVE TO THE OFFICE!"
I swear to fuck if they rip out the bike lane on huntingwood I'll lay infront on the machines.
Here's somthing neat, the moon of saturn, titan, has 2 mountains called Mons doom and Mons erebor
I wish we didn't have a housing crisis in Canada or id be more open to getting Americans out of there to live somewhere safer at the moment. I'm truly scared for you guys down there and I don't know what I can do to help.