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[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 8 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Humma Kavula!

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 3 points 21 hours ago

Interesting article that tries to cover way too broad territory.

Sure, there is a common denominator in most scenarios - that of Russian hybrid warfare - but each country's specific scenario is impossible to understand in just one or two paragraphs.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Meine Behauptung war, dass die Erwartungshaltung der Leute, dass alle Daten in die Wolke gehen, sich seither nicht geändert haben sollte.

OK ich verstehe.

Dem stimmst du nicht zu

Nö, seh ich auch so: die Erwartungshaltung war vorher wie nachher bestenfalls verschwommen und unpersönlich - deswegen zog das so gut als herauskam dass tatsächlich irgendwo in Niedriglohnländern Menschen sich anhören was in deiner Küche/Schlafzimmer so vor sich geht: plötzlich wird es persönlich, hat man sich ja vorher gar keine Gedanken drüber gemacht.
Aber der Skandal ist vorbei, jetzt kann man stillschweigend wieder "normalisieren".

=> Wie gesagt, Opt-in ist extrem wichtig.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

You must ❤️❤️ the downvotes

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 38 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Almost as bad as the worst interpretation of "trickle down economics" I can think of.

Though it's interesting to note that the whole concept does not get better however you try to describe it.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 38 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

All of Europe has a resurgent far-right. And in many countries it's currently at ~20%, compared to 50% in the US. So there's one big difference.

In other countries the far-right is already governing the country, fully (Italy, Hungary) or partly, unlike in Germany (dodged a bullet this time but let's not get complacent).

There's also other aspects besides education that lead to far-right voting, like unemployment and general Strukturschwäche, i.e. lack of all kinds of infrastructure, prevalent in the Eastern part of Germany. Where most AfD voters come from.

And - though by no means comparable to the US - many European countries do have a problem with education.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago

it’s a kind of “irony laundering.”

I like this. Used to be a "joke", then something to rally around and get outraged about, then - whoopsie, it's reality.
And most people voted for the joke or the outrage, not the reality, as I'm sure even more will find out in the years to come.

honestly, the Left should have used this kind of meme magic

Absolutely not. I know it's "in" rn to say we have to use the same methods, no more Mr Nice Guy etc. but I disagree with that - generally, and specifically with this "meme magic". It destroys reality, facts, truth.

There is something to be said for politicians/politics having a better social media presence though, a better sense of humor etc. No need to give up on facts at the same time.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Alle, die sich so 1 Ding kaufen, wissen hoffentlich sowieso

Schön wär's. Die meisten* wissen nichts von all dem das du auflistest.

Von den wenigen die schon mal gehört haben dass irgendetwas "Daten zur Analyse verschickt" machen die meisten sich nicht bewusst was das wirklich bedeutet und dass sie ja höchstpersönlich betroffen sind wenn sie sich so ein Ding zuhause aufstellen.

Doch, da ist so eine Schere in Kopf. Wenn man sich persönlich mal die Mühe macht die Horror-(mMn)-Szenarien ohne Fachsprache darzustellen macht es manchmal *klick*, aber nicht davon dass man die seltenen Schlagzeilen in den Medien übefliegt.

Letztlich ist es ja nur eine wieder zurückgenommene Privatsphäre-Verbesserung. Als die rauskamen, ging ja auch alles in die Wolke.

Ich verstehe leider überhaupt nicht was du damit sagen willst. Ich kann nur nochmal wiederholen wie wichtig opt-out vs opt-in ist:

Opt-in consent is better than opt-out consent. The default should be against collecting, using, and sharing personal information. Many consumers cannot or will not alter the defaults in the technologies they use, even if they prefer that companies do not collect their information.

Some limits are in order. For example, opt-in consent might not be required for a service to take steps that the user has requested, like collecting a user's phone number to turn on two-factor authentication. But the service should always give the user clear notice of the data collection and use, especially when the proposed use is not part of the transaction, like using that phone number for targeted advertising.

There is a risk that extensive and detailed opt-out requirements can lead to “consent fatigue.” Any new regulations should encourage entities seeking consent to explore new ways of obtaining meaningful consent to avoid that fatigue. At the same time, research suggests companies are becoming skilled at manipulating consent and steering users to share personal data.

Finally, for consent to be real, data privacy laws must prohibit companies from discriminating against consumers who choose not to consent. As discussed above, “pay-for-privacy” systems undermine privacy rules and must be prohibited.


* mein pers. Eindruck aus vielen Gesprächen mit nicht-ITlern

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 8 points 1 day ago


In June 2024, Șoșoacă was elected as a member of the European Parliament. She (...) wore a muzzle over her face as a sign of dissent during Ursula von der Leyen's opening speech. Later, she loudly protested when French MEP Valérie Hayer suggested that abortion rights be included in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. After interrupting Hayer's speech several times, she was escorted outside the chamber.

On 12 December 2021, Șoșoacă was interviewed by Italian reporter Lucia Goracci who was investigating the anti-vaccine movement for Rai 1. After a very tense exchange, Șoșoacă locked the door of her apartment and called the police, stating that someone had entered her office.
Once police had arrived, Șoșoacă asked that all of Goracci's footage be deleted. Goracci said that she and her crew had been held captive by the senator and that she had been punched by Șoșoacă's husband without the police intervening. The stalemate ended after eight hours, following an intervention by the Italian embassy.

In February 2023, she falsely accused the United States of causing the Turkey–Syria earthquakes with a seismic weapon. Șoșoacă used Facebook to spread fake news on the matter, using footage from 2009 falsely claiming to be from 2023.

Police officers from Ilfov County announced that they are investigating and opening a criminal case (...) after several people, including Șoșoacă, commemorated Iron Guard leader Corneliu Zelea Codreanu at a wayside cross in Tâncăbești. Some of the participants raised their hands in the Hitler salute.

I blame lack of education and social media algorithms.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 10 points 1 day ago

Criticism of Israel is not anti-semitism.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ouf, you got me down a rabbit hole. I'll start at the end, where I clicked on a comment of yours laying out why Andreas Kling and Brendan Eich are assholes. This FOSS tendency to support 100% meritocracy becomes a bullshit lie the moment some lead devs use their position to spread vile views, deny harmless PRs to improve phrasing etc.
I have yet to meet a single self-proclaimed "centrist" who isn't just a racist/misogynyst/homophobe in sheep's clothing.

Meritocracy enables sociopaths.
Well really it should be "Pure unadultarated meritocracy in FOSS development enables latent sociopathic behavior to come out unchecked in nerdy devs" or some such, but that's not much of a slogan.

Anyhow, about Kagi & Vlad & the writer of this blog post (I really read it all) - I am always so skeptical about FLOSS trying to go financially sustainable. Usually people applaud it because they think it's a solution to "slow development and clunky UIs", and usually people like Vlad like to support that feeling without really committing to anything.

Also always interesting the lack of commitment when you press them about data collection. You can't run a web app like this without data collection, and the distiction between personally identifyable, private, anonymised or anonymous is - facile because as legal terms they were coined by people who have no clue about fingerprinting and such.

All in all I'm glad with the road I have chosen in device & software usage and just like the Brave hype did not get me, neither will the Kagi hype or the next one.

[–] A_norny_mousse@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago

Great breakdown, esp. the license issues and the case in point of MINIX. Subscribed.

I just checked, Archlinux already has uutils-coreutils in [extra], but there's no surprise there, they've always been relatively unconcerned about such things.


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