2304 so far. Keep sharing.
I think Black eats a thesaurus once a week, because he turns flowery words into shit every time
The National Post needs to be banned as American propaganda.
It’s like he’s trying to punch balloons.
Good. The way Canadian mining companies treat the rest of the world is a scandal.
I firmly believe that our connection to the U.S. has held us back in all facets of development including health care, technology, and defence. We've compared ourselves to the states instead of the best the world has to offer and we've grown complacent. I'm afraid that whatever happens in the next few years will be a shit show with Canada achieving a degree of independence at the expense of the environment and First Nations, but I hope we can do better than we have in the past, and looking outside our immediate sphere is a start.
Fuck it. They're an intelligence hazard and that's cheap in government terms.
Remember how last time Trump won he ordered a chauffeur to pull up to the prison because he was sure Trump would pardon him? This guys loves the leopard buffet.
Then he can also fuck himself along with his traitor buddy.
The next fascist they elect will be worse, assuming they even have elections. Why wold anyone trust a country that rips up trade deals and tosses human rights every four years?
In a just world he’d be picking up trash by the roadside for the rest of his life.