
joined 2 weeks ago

"Canada Proud is part of a network of conservative groups and social media pages initially founded by conservative activist Jeff Ballingall"

Anyone who follows these pages on social medias should know. They are literally propaganda pages, and are loaded with disinformation and misinformation. And if you know people who uses social medias, they should know.

some exemples of sheer lies, source here

"In 2020, PressProgress reported that Canada Proud was falsely claiming that the federal government had banned Remembrance Day ceremonies.

In 2021, PressProgress reported of Canada Proud claimed that COVID-19 vaccines were being distributed according to “skin colour.”

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

yea, like what is currently happening is a "non-violent" coup. They used anger, mass disinformation and propaganda.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You should add "Le Devoir" in the french ones. It's by far the best newspaper in Quebec, and internationally recognized.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

"In Internet communication, a troll is defined as a person who provokes disputes, e.g. by raising controversial topics or attacking other participants. However, a troll factory is an entity conducting disinformation propaganda activities on the Internet. This activity is often concealed under an inconspicuous name, e.g. public relations agency, Internet research centre, etc. The operations of troll factories are usually focused on the political or economic sphere. The aim of the operations may be e.g. attacking political opponents, unfairly attacking a competing company or other action indicated by the ordering party. Troll factories achieve their goals using, among other things, fake news and hate speech."

They include fake profiles, fake influencers, botting, etc. and is a well documented reality, and they even have an agency for it: Internet research institute. I will link some articles about it, mostly from Europe since they are used to these kind of tactics:

There is also a segment from 2024 from CBC about fake influencers that were confirmed receiving funds from Russia:

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

The site is now down. High Traffic or DDOS?

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yea I do agree. Guys like Harper and PP know tho and are in on it. For their own power and wealth. And I think it is why they are so scared of Carney, he may be one of the only guy in the world able to handle whats going on.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Back then Harper was ferocious about Russia, he hated them. But more recently, he has aligned himself with Orban and he is Chairman of the IDU. Russia may have krompromat on him.


Here is a little description of the website, Disinfowatch:

"DisinfoWatch is a leading Canadian foreign disinformation monitoring and debunking platform. Our data is sourced through an international network of journalists, civil society organizations and analysts, as well as some automated sources, and is anaylized and exposed in order raise broader general awareness of disinformation and build long-term resilience against it.

Our core objective is to increase public understanding and awareness about mis/disinformation, by whom and why it’s produced, how to identify it and how to help stop its spread."

Edit to add some text I copied this morning. The website is down. I don't think it is far-fetched to think Russia would DDOS this kind of website.

"Sputnik, a Russian state media outlet, has published an article targeting Mark Carney, the newly elected leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and incoming Prime Minister. The article frames Carney as an unqualified and problematic leader by listing alleged “mishaps” including one connecting him with Russia’s classic neo-Nazi accusation. It should be noted that Sputnik, like RT, is a key instrument of the Russian government and intelligence services, used for information and influence operations targeting Western democracies. Sputnik’s article is not a neutral critique but part of a broader disinformation campaign aimed at: Undermining Carney’s leadership by questioning his credentials, integrity, and political legitimacy. Eroding Canadian support for Ukraine by framing Carney’s pro-Ukraine stance, especially his use of “Slava Ukraini“, as radical or dangerous. Sowing distrust in Western financial and political elites by portraying Carney as an untrustworthy figure tied to corruption and globalist interests. This article follows a Kremlin playbook commonly used against Western leaders who support Ukraine, climate policies, or strong financial governance. Similar tactics have been used against Canadian officials"

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I was trying to access internet outage maps but they were all stuck on loading. here: "Canadians are experiencing service outages caused by extreme weather conditions, cyber attacks, and accidental network damages. These outages affect home phone, mobile, and Internet services, which disrupts Canadians’ lives and impacts their safety." This is not a new post tho. Also, there is the undersea internet cable near nova scotia that was cut. This is classic Russia, they always do this in Europe:

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

You're right my bad sorry, I'm quite literally losing my mind fighting propaganda

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I might try. I know people here know the truth tho, my bad sorry. I'm trying to fight disinformation across all social medias


This is how immigrants are being treated in Spokane. They were on their way to their court hearing and were closed in by two trucks. Unmarked vehicles. These are Customs Enforcement Agents (better known as ICE). The passengers knew their rights so they started recording and asked the agents for a warrant. The agents didn’t provide a warrant and demanded they get out of the car. When they didn’t get out of the car the agents proceeded to smash their windows and forcefully remove them by dragging them out of their car. This is a gruesome display of excessive force. This family was on their way to court and were terrified.


[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Canada Proud is a MAGA propaganda page.

[–] -2 points 2 weeks ago

trying to make it simple since I've read literally hundreds and hundreds of articles and publications and documents in the last few months, trying to condense the message. You are intentionally putting your head in the sand

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Well I trust Canadian's on this weird unknown reddit copy* Any maple MAGA here? Some of these are lost.

"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

"Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness."

-Hannah Arendt

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

read the document about hybrid warfare from the Canadian Armed Forces Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) Professional Development Centre (PDC. Anti-globalism is one of the main theme being pushed by Russia.

extract from the document:

To further understand the danger hybrid warfare poses, it becomes useful to examine the “Kremlin Tool Kit” as described by researchers from the Institute of Modern Russia: • The Kremlin exploits the idea of freedom of information to inject disinformation into society. The effect is not to persuade (as in classic public diplomacy) or earn credibility but to sow confusion via conspiracy theories and proliferate falsehoods. • The Kremlin is increasing its “information war” budget. RT, which includes multilingual rolling news, a wire service and radio channels, has an estimated budget of over $300 million, set to increase by 41% to include German- and French-language channels. There is increasing use of social media to spread disinformation and trolls to attack publications and personalities. • Unlike in the Cold War, when Soviets largely supported leftist groups, a fluid approach to ideology now allows the Kremlin to simultaneously back farleft and far-right movements, greens, anti-globalists and financial elites. The aim is to exacerbate divides and create an echo chamber of Kremlin support. • The Kremlin exploits the openness of liberal democracies to use the Orthodox Church and expatriate NGOs to further aggressive foreign policy goals. 38 • There is an attempt to co-opt parts of the expert community in the West via such bodies as the Valdai Forum, which critics accuse of swapping access for acquiescence. Othersenior Western experts are given positions in Russian companies and become de facto communications representatives of the Kremlin. • Financial PR firms and hired influencers help the Kremlin’s cause by arguing that “finance and politics should be kept separate.” But whereas the liberal idea of globalization sees money as politically neutral, with global commerce leading to peace and interdependence, the Kremlin uses the openness of global markets as an opportunity to employ money, commerce and energy as foreign policy weapons. • The West’s acquiescence to sheltering corrupt Russian money demoralizes the Russian opposition while making the West more dependent on the Kremlin. • The Kremlin is helping foster an anti-Western, authoritarian Internationale that is becoming ever more popular in Central Europe and throughout the world. • The weaponization of information, culture and money is a vital part of the Kremlin’s hybrid, or nonlinear, war, which combines the above elements with covert and small-scale military operations. The conflict in Ukraine saw non-linear war in action. Other rising authoritarian states will look to copy Moscow’s model of hybrid war—and the West has no institutional or analytical tools to deal with it. • The Kremlin applies different approaches to different regions across the world, using local rivalries and resentments to divide and conquer. 39 • The Kremlin exploits systemic weak spots in the Western system, providing a sort of X-ray of the underbelly of liberal democracy. • The Kremlin successfully erodes the integrity of investigative and political journalism, producing a lack of faith in traditional media. • Offshore zones and opaque shell companies help sustain Kremlin corruption and aid its influence. For journalists, the threat of libel meansfew publications are ready to take on Kremlin-connected figures. • Lack of transparency in funding and the blurring of distinctions between think tanks and lobbying helps the Kremlin push its agendas forward without due scrutiny.70 In sum, the threat posed by hybrid warfare is substantial. Its application is insidious as it deludes decision-makers into separating the specific tactics being utilized by an adversary from the actual strategic level political objectives that are driving their campaign. In short, it becomes hard to recognize that one is under attack or at “war.” As such, it becomes difficult to recognize the seemingly disconnected series of events as a carefully synchronized campaign designed to achieve specific political objectives.



CBC is a crown corporations. WE, canadians, own it. It is OURS and it is INDEPENDANT JOURNALISM. Crown corporations are wholly owned federal or provincial organizations that are structured like private or independent companies. They include enterprises such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), VIA Rail, Canada Post and the Bank of Canada; as well as various provincial electric utilities. Crown corporations have greater freedom from direct political control than government departments.

PP do not understand the difference between publicly funded and ‘state’ funded. The government transfers Canadian taxpayer money to the CBC which operates separately from government. The government does not control the CBC. This simple distinction is beyond his limited intellect.

CBC is PUBLICLY funded!! Therefore, yes the funds are funnelled through the govt, but not govt state media. We will leave that to fox propaganda news and post media that is owned by the USA ultra right wing.

Postmedia is owned by Hedge fund billionaires allied with Trump and pushing MAGA propaganda.


PP is straight up a Russian asset. This is the only reason the NPD were forced to do a coalition with the liberals, Singh wouldn't have intentionally destroyed his career. It is also the reason PP can’t get a security clearance for the life of him. You can look at the detailed documents about foreign interference from the CSIS and the official publications of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command 1 year ago, Pierre voted twice against a trade deal and against assistance to Ukraine. He said it was because of some "carbon tax", but no such language was used in the Bills, and Ukraine have themselves put a price on carbon in 2011. There is also the Freedom convoy that was helped by MAGA and the Kremlin. The funds that were frozen we receiving money from those two. These are publications by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and from the Canadian Armed Forces Special Operations Forces Command

Postmedia Network, owned by a hedge fund in New Jersey that is allied to trump and pushing his Propaganda. They are reposted by the conservatives endlessly, and are compromised of all the "Sun" newspaper like Toronto Sun, The National Post and Financial Post, and basically every newspaper in Alberta. These are literally propaganda vehicles, and repeat lies and false claims shamelessly, lies that are often originating from RC, a Russian owned state media. They are then accusing CBC of being propaganda (PP said: don’t believe anything you see on the CBC) because it is a “state” owned media, and try to diminish the confidence the population has in their institutions. But we’re not Russia for god sake, the CBC is OURS. We, Canadians, own it. Once the population doesn't trust reliable and verifiable media, it is over. In our current context, we need to go back to the basics. Realize what is true and what is a figment of propaganda. They are literally using the Russian playbook, as Trump did, and it's working hard in the young male population, because they get their info on social medias like X and META (both owned by tech-billionaire oligarch) , and everyone living in more rural areas, since their newspapers have been bought since 2016, look up Post media networks. really. A hedge fund allied with Trump in new jersey bought it. Look up “postmedia connections to trump” online. So now they are using their channel to brainwash people, just like Trump did, trying to smear and demonize the opposition. and I swear, I've tried to talk to conservatives, and they believe Trudeau is a marxist and that if Carney is elected we can say good bye to democracy. It's Newspeak and Doublethink, straight out of 1984.

Which brings us to the International Democracy Union, or IDU, a global organization run by former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper that is dedicated to electing right-wing governments around the world. Membership extends to the extremely right-wing. Last year Harper met and fawned over Hungary’s Orbán, who pronounced Harper “a great ally.” Remember, Orban is literally Putin's puppet. If you want to see what sort of global club Canada will join if governed by a Poilievre-led Conservative party, a look at IDU’s membership — including the recently scrubbed — can be informative. Trump, Argentina, Modi...

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