Ok guys, i dont want to sound like a conspiricy theorist or anything, but sometimes i get a slight suspicion that he might be lying to make himself look better...
Also ich habe mir einen haesslichen und untermotorisierten Fiat Multipla gekauft um fuer mein riesiges geschlechtsteil zu kompensieren!
Things to add to your product when you want to look hip and trendy, but dont have any real ideas how to make your product better:
- 1990s: visitor counter
- 1995: Popups
- 2000s: flash intros
- 2005: stock photography
- 2010: local weather widget
- 2015: share to social media widgets
- 2020: fullsize 4k background stock videos
- 2024: AI assistant
Lol, now that I think of it I had never seen a YouTube ad or sponsor where I would say "this is an ethical and fairly priced product without a catch that I would like to buy"...
Zombie outbreak and owning a jeep? Now you got two problems!
Have you seen that ludicrous display last night?
Can someone explain how this website lost millions? Given that this size was not that big, I fail to see how it could cost this much in admin and Server cost. Even some better known commercial shops will hardly hit 5digits in monthly server costs, plus salaries for 1-3 admins and support staff, and maybe advertising costs.
37million sounds like something they pulled out of thin air, maybe for some bookkeeping fraud or tax write off...
How much would it cost to show 2girls1cup as umskipable ad to musk fanboys? Asking for a friend...
My favorite barber was booked out recently, so I just walked into the next one across the road, which looked new and had no customers inside. Asked for the haircut, and he said sure, what's your name and email address? I was confused and asked why he would need that, and he said it's for his app to book appointments and charge customers.
I walked out without getting a haircut.
“Der Staat hat in meinem Leben nichts zu suchen, es sei denn, dass ich es ihm erlaube”, erzählt Gernot Hüttig
"Ich erlaube dem staat mir rente zu zahlen, krankenhaeuser fuer mich zu bauen, dafuer zu sorgen das es strassen, wasser, strom und internet ueberall gibt, polizei einzustellen damit mir unterwegs keine wegelagerer auflauern, gesetzte zu erlassen damit ich vom essen und trinken keine blei- oder arsenvergiftung bekomme und dass er boesewichte wegsperrt - aber sonst erlaube ich diesem uebereifrigem staat nichts!"
Auf verschiedenen schwurbler Kanälen werden oft mal Videos oder Kanäle der Gegenseite verlinkt, mit dem Spruch das man diese "Propaganda" bitte disliken soll. Viele lassen auch gleich noch einen entsprechenden Kommentar da.
Das führt natürlich auch dazu das seriöse Kanäle wie ZDF im Verhältnis mehr dislikes als Likes bekommen als schwurblervideos wo das Publikum unter sich bleibt, und der YouTube algo dann wahrscheinlich die Schwurbler videos eher in der sidebar rechts vorschlägt als die des ZDF.
Can someone explain to me how reddit can make a loss, while he pays himself MORE than the loss? Does that not mean that reddit would have made a 113 Million profit before his $193 million compensation package? What kind of business-algebra-gymnastics is at work here?