calling other users bots is dehumanizing

[-] 10 points 1 month ago

turn a blind eye to the black bloc stalking them

And you make this judgement every day as well, even if you refuse to admit it

an absolutely unfalsifiable claim.

whatever you are doing over there it isn't science.

[-] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

you have no proof for your claim. no one should believe you

Nobody can be certain of anyone’s intentions on the Internet,

except you, apparently, who is certain they can tell a good faith actor from a bad faith actor based solely on whether they have an opinion you have seen or one you agree with

the odds that they’re not are vastly greater.

you are making that up

all of agriculture is only responsible for about 20% of global emissions. your numbers are wrong

are you allowed to post on

if they build it, the press will go there and report on what's posted there

[-] 11 points 1 month ago

pretty sure other people have been convicted of crimes before.

name one.

what could she do to make up for this? i'm asking earnestly because, in my estimation, it's been a long time and she is in a position to implement policies i care a lot about like the green new deal. i don't like what she did then, but i don't know how i can hold her accountable for that.

[-] 104 points 1 month ago

If only the federal government could implement some sort of server that would allow them to self-host social media for officials and prominent candidates. I wish there were some well-known and tested service that other governments were using and they could just implement in the USA.

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