Comrade, I went through something similar, being Brazilian and all. UJC too.
I took time to invest on myself. I needed to get better, both economically, mentally, academically, you name it. Taking time is not a problem, specially when life happens (or seems to be stuck).
I have some gripes on the Party and their Youth, so I don't believe I'd go back, but I'm not abandoning Marxism-Leninism in any way, shape or form.
Comrade, I went through something similar, being Brazilian and all. UJC too.
I took time to invest on myself. I needed to get better, both economically, mentally, academically, you name it. Taking time is not a problem, specially when life happens (or seems to be stuck).
I have some gripes on the Party and their Youth, so I don't believe I'd go back, but I'm not abandoning Marxism-Leninism in any way, shape or form.