who cares about this? I mean if it's something he's still into yeah but teenagers will take lots of photos that are not to be taken seriously
I'd say there is a huge amount of bots, then the smart bots, then the actual shills. The smarter ones run complex operations and are able to use their own power to self propel their own stories. And there are a lot of similar 'power users' who are not wholly paid for by someone but would do work for the highest bidder. I'd bet that yes, 50% of what's on the front page of major things is reputation management or Hail Corporate stuff, then I'd wager the mostly less popular stuff is actual people, with a ton of bad posts from all sides at the low popularity
fuck all these 'tribalism' promotion posts, we should be finding ways to work together. Lisa, you're tearing me apart!
when the food has 2 days worth of sodium in it, you get thirsty. Many people don't drink enough water so then your thirsty and have your liter-of-cola and you can down it easily at that point
If all cops ate seven grams of magic mushies I think the world would be a much better place for everyone who has to deal with cops
Do you agree that those who are tasked with upholding the law should be allowed to violate that same law with impunity?
I understand your comment but I don't see how it could overcome the above question in regard to police officers.
that beyond brauts are pretty good actually
The CCP is also very interested in all this
They've finally gone full /HailCorporate, become the thing some of the original people of the site would probably not have agreed with in many ways
When you call a cab it was often a game of 'will the can actually show up?"
I can see that. If you're a hateful or bigoted person and you tell people about that then they like you less usually, so by not telling people about your trump support you would lose less friends