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You will transfer the economic copyright to most journals upon publication of the typeset manuscript meaning that you're not allowed to publish that particular PDF anywhere. However, a lot of journals are okay with you publishing the pre-peer reviewed article or even sometimes the peer-reviewed, but NOT typeset article (sometimes called post-print article). Scientific publishing is weird :-)
Ahh that's wack. The article it's based on is open-access:
From the article:
Squeezed in alongside their main projects, the investigation took eight years and included dozens of participants. The results, published in 2016, were revelatory [1]. Two to three months after giving birth, multiple regions of the cerebral cortex were, on average, 2% smaller than before conception. And most of them remained smaller two years later. Although shrinkage might evoke the idea of a deficit, the team showed that the degree of cortical reduction predicted the strength of a mother’s attachment to her infant, and proposed that pregnancy prepares the brain for parenthood.
What they see as "bad research" is looking at an older cohort without taking into consideration their earlier drinking habits - that is, were they previously alcoholics or did they generally have other problems with their health?
If you don't correct for these things, you might find that people who are not drinking seems less healthy than people who are. BUT, that's not because they're not drinking, it's just because of their preexisting conditions. Their peers who are drinking a little bit tend to not have these preexisting conditions (on average)
Here's an actual explanation of the 'sneaked reference':
However, we found through a chance encounter that some unscrupulous actors have added extra references, invisible in the text but present in the articles’ metadata, when they submitted the articles to scientific databases. The result? Citation counts for certain researchers or journals have skyrocketed, even though these references were not cited by the authors in their articles.
Fra artiklen:
I det nye internationale studie har forskerne samlet resultater fra i alt 85 forskellige studier, hvor forskere i 26 forskellige lande har sendt i alt mere end 350.000 fiktive jobansøgninger.
De ældste studier er mere end 40 år gamle, men størstedelen af studierne er fra de seneste to årtier.
At sende to identiske jobansøgninger med forskellige navne – i dette tilfælde henholdsvis et kvindenavn og et mandenavn – anses for at være den bedste metode at måle omfanget af diskrimination i ansættelsesprocesserne.
Hvis en arbejdsgiver oftest inviterer personer med mandenavne til jobsamtaler, kan man konkludere, at den pågældende foretrækker en mand til jobbet. Og omvendt.
I fag, der ikke var kønstypiske (for eksempel bartender, revisor og grafisk designer) fandt forskerne i det nye internationale studie, at arbejdsgiverne foretrak at ansætte mænd frem til omkring år 2010.
Efter 2010 har arbejdsgiverne efterspurgt flere kvinder end mænd.
I typiske kvindefag (for eksempel sygeplejerske, frisør og socialrådgiver) er det blevet stadig sværere for mænd at blive indkaldt til en jobsamtale. Her foretrækker arbejdsgiverne klart at ansætte kvinder.
At mænd, der søger job i kvindefag, bliver diskrimineret, er et robust og stabilt fund, konkluderer forskerne
Ahh ja, det gør det jo lidt mindre flot af dem