I’m always surprised to read the news and see India preferring the Russian partnership over that of the West.
Considering their only chance appears to be with the Russian Interior Ministry and Prosecutor, I would say that the time to flee was yesterday. If you’re relying on Russia upholding human rights, you’re not in a good spot.
Sorry Gran, EMS is 20 minutes out. Hope you’ve been practicing holding your breath.
Yeah brass wouldn’t work as brass polishing sucks. I’ve had to spend hours every year polishing the brass pots at my grandparents place. Never again.
I’m wondering if they get away with it despite the lack of stock movement. So much of staff compensation is tied to stock price. Staff previously got RSUs allocated and stayed because they went up in value every year but lately it’s been stagnant. People are less likely to put up with this bullshit if there is no big payout at the end.
I’m starting to worry that I look like Steve Martin in this picture but in my mind I look younger. I shall stay away from mirrors to ensure the illusion.
Did Mongodb change something? I’ve been using the community edition for a good long time.
I noticed that my brain is automatically doing the translation now from X -> Twitter. I would however prefer that we continue referring to it as Twitter
The only currency I am aware of with the necessary backing, flexibility, durability, and faith is probably the Euro. I don’t know that any other currency can really gain the scope of adoption necessary to be the default reserve currency.
I’m bracing for an influx of in-flight tantrums.
Russia will maintain digital NFT ownership of Crimea.
Yeah I always think that we know their wealth because it is in shares of publicly traded companies but you know it’s some Saudi oil baron or Russian Oligarch that is actually wealthier. My guess is probably Putin takes top spot and then the Saudis.