Merz ist 1 Pimmel.
There is the psychological factor that Windows behaves more like malware with their forced full screen overlays to shove the Edge into your ass. Over and over again. Microsoft doesn't take No for an answer like an abusive partner.
Deranged to spend the money on a case where you don't even know what you get. I chose to pay a much more reasonable $50 for a Valorant knife. Elden Ring's production value is great, but have you seen these 5 animations?
Not quite correct. They didn't start charging for API usage. They banned it and pretended it could be paid for with completely absurd prices nobody could reasonably afford.
What a horrible way to handle this. A bit like YouTube demonetization policies.
Bullshit. Piracy is the only thing preserving it. Why? Because as a PC user 4k HDR Blu-Rays are forbidden for me anyways to play legally despite owning them.
Yeah, my sleep schedule is pretty bad since the holiday.... Oh, Oooooh.
You really need to add Discord to this list as it is soaking up gigantic amounts of information about video games as a forum replacement. One could argue for actual community games like MMO's it is perhaps slightly different, but for the majority it is a huge problem.
These things are ableist. We are reaching the point where AI can solve these much more reliably than a human. As a result the difficulty has to rise and will exclude more and more people which might have problems with "basic" tasks from a neurotypical perspective. Not to speak sometimes there might be multiple solutions depending on language and cultural interpretations.
Any type of neurodivergence is not graspable for the majority of people, as it would require high skills to think in somebody elses shoes.
Debilitating chronic fatigue is called being lazy and as I just found out very recenty I have cerebrospinal fluid leaks which cause these issues. Hope it gets fixed soon. And shoutout to the doctors trying to tell me it is in my head and doesn't require urgent care.
It is. So where is the police report? She said she was groped on several occasions (which is sexual assault) and quit the job by her own decision, so why not throw the men who groped her under the bus?
I am tired of reading these things. I am absolutely aware these are done in good faith to have some neutral instance to deal with this, but it not the reality. If you are low on money, you are right out or a bit later, if you are an "undesirable" person, you will lose, and if you lack time, energy and mental health going through the paperwork will break the last bit you had and money too.
10-methoxy-5,6-dipropylundecan-2,3,4,7,8,9-hexone from /u/cakeotic
It's the loss meme somehow.