
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 17 hours ago

That makes a lot of sense, she was contributing to the conversation when she could

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

What upset you so much about it?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Doesn’t seem awkward to me, most people say “How are you?” when they see me, except for the trying to start a convo thing.

I have photos of the conversation between them in other posts, Ash is literally insane.


Like, am I too sensitive and this is justified or is this dumb? My sister Lena’s ex "friends" hate her and act rude to her because Lena autistic, starts conversations with them, and says she likes their outfit occasionally, which they accuse her of doing "every hour".

Her friend Ashlyn accuses her of being a creepy stalker because Lena approached Ashlyn and her friends, said "Hey”, then remained quiet because it's RUDE to talk over ppl and when they're already talking. She then walked away and approached Ashlyn again to make conversation with her only to be told she's creepy.

"Oh, she's just upset"

"Oh, she's just abrasive like that"

"Ppl hate when they're spoken to. She's an introvert with depression, NPD, and isn't used to being greeted" (Most ppl only hate being spoken to by ppl they don't like).

"Oh, she doesn't HATE you, she just..."

Ashlyn is also a hypocrite who clearly hates Lena and treats ppl badly (but they suck it up bc they like her that much) and gets mad at ppl but does the same crap. She not only lies that everyone hates Lena, but tries to guilt-trip her into feeling bad for these "poor bullies" who hate Lena, find her and her conditions disgusting, and want her to suffer. This is a bit sick.

(I feel like these bullies are all just one girl pretending to be other ppl, which is quite dedicated of her)

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Well, it is the company. I’m specifically talking about Hello Kitty :)

[–] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ash has NPD/narcissism if that gives more context

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I’m not overreacting then? Lena was convinced she was a bad person and that Ash was the victim, and I highly doubt Lena is a bad person.



My sister Lena (14F) sent me (24F) these pictures (so “Me” is Lena, not me) and said I could use them as long as the names were blacked out for advice and such.

Ashlyn (blue, 14F) apparently has NPD, which could be a reason but doesn’t excuse her behavior. She is known for being an overall rude person, especially towards Lena, and is also known for exaggerating, giving vague explanations, not able to identify people and messing up timing on things (bringing up drama that happened “recently” when it either never happened or was weeks ago), and even lying that people don’t like Lena when they clearly do. Lena’s confusion makes me wonder if half of the stuff even happened, and if it did, possibly not in the way Ashlyn tried to convince her it did.

Due to Ashlyn being vague a lot, Lena will ask her what she’s talking about and Ashlyn will get mad and insult her.

I’ve also observed that people say that Ashlyn’s interactions and reasons to be angry at people is often odd and not natural, with stories often exaggerated and fabricated like I already said to prove a point.

Most people Lena talks to don’t even seem to be too fond of Ashlyn and say Lena was far kinder/more respectful than Ashlyn was, ever.

I’m never letting Ashlyn hang out with Lena on my watch again. This is how she usually interacts with Lena, and this current conversation is the last straw (from last night).

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I ranted about her based on a conversation between her and my sister. Oh my God, she SUCKS.


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! for figuring out the word or phrase to describe something.


!, for when you want to know if you overreacted or were justified.


! for figuring out the word or phrase to describe something.


!, for when you want to know if you overreacted or were justified.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

Pink trips Cyan, snickers and pretends it’s an accident.

Pink “wonders” why Cyan is mad that she did that, because it’s “okay” as she was “just annoyed”.

Then Pink blames her behavior on ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Cyan talks to Pin’s friend Purple, who says it’s because of her conditions and because she was “just having a bad day”.

I’m making fun of the “Oh, she was just having a bad day!” to excuse mean behavior.



My sister Lena (14F) sent me these pictures (so “Me” is Lena, not me) and said I could use them as long as the names were blacked out for advice and such.

Ashlyn (blue, 14F) apparently has NPD, which could be a reason but doesn’t excuse her behavior. She is known for being an overall rude person, especially towards Lena, and is also known for exaggerating, giving vague explanations, not able to identify people and messing up timing on things (bringing up drama that happened “recently” when it either never happened or was weeks ago), and even lying that people don’t like Lena when they clearly do. Lena’s confusion makes me wonder if half of the stuff even happened, and if it did, possibly not in the way Ashlyn tried to convince her it did.

Most people Lena talks to don’t even seem to be too fond of Ashlyn and say Lena was far kinder/more respectful than Ashlyn was, ever.


My sister Lena (14F) used to be friends with and is in some friend group with a sporty girl named Ashlyn (14F). She is essentially what the teens call a “pick me girl”, or someone who puts other women down to gain attention from men.

She’s nice to people she doesn’t know. She’s nice to guys. She’s nice to the teachers, and even nice to the few girls she genuinely likes in her friend group. But every other girl? Hell nah. She thinks she’s more masculine, likable, and better at sports than every other girl and has successfully convinced her friends that her rudeness is just “a joke”, but I know damn well it isn’t.

She seems to be well-liked in the school despite not liking anyone but a few people because she doesn’t show her true colors. She also has a completely different demeanor in public than when they’re alone, and as I stated, is a very manipulative and self-centered person.

When she’s around others, she’ll be pretty nice or normal towards Lena, and like I said, played it off as a joke the few times she showed her true self in public, then said “It’s not your fault, Lena”. When they’re alone, however, she acts the same way as the friend group does when Ashlyn’s around: dry, distant, monotone, etc.

Ashlyn asks Lena to do her favors but hasn’t done ANYTHING for Lena. Whenever Lena asks her a question or tells her something, she just says “Mhm/K/Cool” or nods/gives a thumbs up without making eye contact. She then told Lena she doesn’t care about what she has to say, never has, never will care about her, and doesn’t care about anyone or anything. And it’s pretty odd that she wants Lena of all people to know that.

Ashlyn also believes she’s entitled to girls’ boyfriends and tries to steal them from the girls. Lena’s male friend tried to excuse her behavior and say “She’s just having a bad day/People don’t like it when they’re asked questions or others talk about their achievements”. Number 1: A bad day consistently for years?? Even so, it’s not an excuse. Number 2: Most people will congratulate you, they don’t behave like this. And most people don’t like when they’re asked PERSONAL questions, not just innocent ones.

I know she’s 10 years younger than me (I’m 24) but I don’t like her either.


Despite English being my native language, I grew up speaking Spanish and my English isn’t that good. I constantly forget the meanings of phrases or don’t understand them.

I have a sister named Lena (14F). Her on-again, off-again “friend” Ashlyn(14F) received a note on her locker reading “HANG DEAD” and showed people, including Lena. Is this a threat to hang herself or something?


The year is unspecified and could take place anywhere from the 2030s to the 2060s.

Story takes place in a region that was formerly part of the Philippines and now is another country separate from it.

Samuel Jakobsson, the main character and narrator, is a student selected by talent scouts who believe he is qualified for the Academy, a place that helps him train for a job based on one of his talents in fear of an upcoming war.

Later on, Samuel (who is already married) loses his wife in the war after the region is occupied by members of a country in the Middle East (a high-tech country that doesn’t exist right now) who want to claim the place and rule for a better life for themselves and their family, even if it means people will have to die. (“Desperate times call for desperate measures.”)

Post-war, Samuel marries a woman who contributed significantly to the war and also helped treat the wounded. The country they were living in no longer exists and everything was ruined, and she gets elected as ruler of the new country after repairing the damage inflicted by the war. She helps greatly with forming the new country.


¿Cómo están ustedes hoy?

(Ya que esta es una comunidad internacional, hablaré español)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Here are these magnets I have:

Me right now (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Hi guys! As you can see, I love Sanrio and kawaii stuff, especially My Melody 🎀

Also, I’m 24 years old today!! ^ w ^ (though it admittedly may not seem like it)


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