Things that benefit the working class: Labor protection, minium wages, free education, etc. Without these things greater profits would be made. And every capitalist country slowly removes these benefits until major uprisings.
Lemmy seems very class conscious to me, I like that
Maybe Windows Cortana? idk I don't speak proprietary
Ist wahrscheinlich der Löwe aus Berlin.
Aber Kängurus leben wirklich in Deutschland
Willkommen im Kapitalismus, wo Wohnungen nicht dafür da sind Leute zu behausen, sondern Profit zu machen 🫡💀
Ich nicht bekomme es
It doesn't matter whether communism is good or bad, capitalism is still terrible.
Meine Vater schon mehrmals: "Vegetarier hätte ich ja noch verstanden, aber warum wieder gleich so radikal? Was ist denn falsch mit Eiern?" Und wenn ich ihm dann von zerbrochenen Eiern im Huhn, Federpicken, Überzüchtung, etc. etwas erzählen will wird er aggressiv.
Technically yes. But of course they would (and can't really) do that. But you could also eat stuff like roadkill and it's vegan. Veganism as a moral philosophy has nothing to do with food, it's about respecting and granting animals the same rights as humans (as far as applicable, not stuff like voting).
The difference is that the fish needs to eat the other fish. We don't need ANY animal products. So every killed animal suffered and lost their life for 10min of taste for us that we didn't need. Being vegan is so easy in 2023.
Yes, let's learn what happens between a cute little calf being born and a steak on your table. I'm sure they give their meat voluntarily...