Or Red Shoe Diaries, people kinda forgot that his big role before X-files was just softcore porn.
Haven't seen one exactly like this, but looks like a lock out tag out deal.
I feel like banning all direct links gets you 90% of the way there. No referral codes, if a user wants to find your site, they have to go looking, automated spam is harder, etc.
Like... are we 100% sure that's even his kid?
I'm just waiting for Trump to figure out how to announce that the US is going to own Ukraine now.
I disagree with calling her a clown, but I do worry that it would be hard to get the american populace behind her as that is not an uncommon opinion. A large part of it is likely based on her gender and age, if she was a 60-year old white man with the same ideas, we likely wouldn't have this problem.
We tend to underestimate how large reddit is and also tend to overestimate how much the quality of the communities we participate in affect the average reddit user.
It grew pretty heavily in 2024, there are other places that collect stats too, but in most ways that you can easily measure, it's moving in that direction. 2023 did have a small blip in comments posted per year, but it got back on track fairly quick.
Helipads are pretty common as mentioned, but I've seen a few out there with storage for small planes. Those are usually some form of seaplane that just stores in/on the yacht after landing in the water, but technically...
I think we're coming up to the point where we're going to realize that we've just ruined the internet and being connected to everything all the time will start to become less popular. It's kinda sad, but feel like the internet might be preparing to shift away from being a social thing and towards being something you just use for work or when you need to shop, etc.
It's with the new Captain America, he hasn't managed to generate a lot of buzz. Maybe it's just hard to live up to Chris Evans, but early reviews on the film are also not great.
At a lot of flower places, you'd likely be paying a premium for flowers on Valentines Days even if they didn't explicitly tell you. Check back in a week and whatever you bought may be significantly cheaper. Just saying that if you didn't actually get them on Valentines, may want to push for at least some of your money back whether they eventually get there or not.
Threatening to call your bank may help if they won't give you a refund, actually do it if they don't. If you have to talk to your bank, remember that you bough valentines day flowers not eventually delivered some day flowers.