Yes but she was way more annoying.
Ha well done.
Not sure people will be using self drive around a car park but if that is the plan then I guess you Americans will have to white wash that kind of thing.
America needs to be thankful they didn't get Liz Truss
Brilliant. Bit I thought Nicole was my bestie
Agreed and that's a real world scenario that is being tested which has real value.
I have never seen a mural on a road depicting a road that is identical to the road that I am driving on. Hope that helps.
Yep agreed. Having used Teslas adaptive cruise control I wouldn't ever use self driving, not that I have it, unless I had a death wish. Quite honestly my previous Chinese MG was a lot less likely to kill me.
Nothing much is real anymore on YT
Yes but the main point that has been shown is that putting a screen up with the exact copy of the road and surroundings behind the screen is a daft and dangerous idea. It would be a better test if they had put up a polystyrene tree in the middle of the road and then checked if the car stopped.
I have never driven through a polystyrene wall with a picture of a road on it in 40 years because people just don't put those things up, they don't grow on roads etc etc.
Great YT clip for entertainment though.
And I bet he would vote for Trump again. That's how brain washed they are.
No thanks needed, just keep him, please.