[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 3 points 9 months ago


@ZeroCool @qooqie @PapaStevesy the witch cursed Narnia so that it's always winter and never Christmas.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago


@iridaniotter @BarrelAgedBoredom

Yeah, non-trans women don't enjoy being forever 2nd because they weren't born men in physically competitive sport

Some sports just have totally dominant competitors. I don't think all the men who lost to Michael Phelps enjoyed losing to him because they didn't get to be born complete genetic freaks that look like they were engineered in a lab to win at swimming. In many women's sports, the top (cis) competitors tend to have really beneficial genetics, including really high levels of testosterone compared to average. Losing to someone because their genetics help them be faster/stronger/taller is just how it goes in competitive sports. Losing to a trans woman is no different than losing to a cis woman who hit the genetic lottery.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

@Whiskeyomega I couldn't even finish this. It made me so fucking mad.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago

@Madison_rogue I've heard there's some debate over how much the refund should be for. The obvious complication is that, the actual price they paid matches what they expected to pay, the issue being that the list price was faked. I think the refund should take the advertised discount (60% off) and apply it to the real lost price, and refund them the difference. That makes the consumer whole, providing them the discount they were told they were receiving.

Then, the fine they receive on top of that should be double. Send a strong message that if you defraud consumers, it's going to hurt. If all 5300 monitors cost the example price of $990, then the refund amount would be $600 each, for a total of 3.15 million in refunds and 6.3 million in fines. Sounds like this might be exactly what regulators had in mind since my number came pretty close to theirs. Dell is extremely fortunate they sold so few monitors. Because the advertised discount was so high, the fines alone appear to more than wipe out the revenue they made from these monitors, and whatever refunds they have to pay out on top of that puts them even further in the hole. Crime doesn't always pay.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago



Might be mixing it up with another card, Reliquary Tower has no land subtype. It gives you no max hand size and taps for {C}.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)



my experience is eerily similar to yours. Used it a bit in the first few days, popped in on occasion. Deleted my account today. When I first went on, one of the questions I asked was "is this FOSS or privately owned" and got bombarded with that cadre of users explaining why it's better and safer for it to be owned by one person and that Jake would never make bad decisions like this exact one. At one point a user was being so agressive about how I should just trust Jake that I said I must be talking to his mom.

I also briefly had a Voat account when I thought Reddit was cracking down too much/too arbitrarily, and quickly realized that I was not in good company. I’ve been very optimistic about this Reddit exodus because it really doesn't have the same ideological bent to it, so the diaspora isn't just the dregs of reddit.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago


@delitomatoes @NABDad @danielbln @fartsparkles

There are examples in the second link, but I can paste them here for you:

J.D. started as fairly emotionally needy due to him wanting a father figure to replace his own dysfunctional family. Fast forward to season five where J.D. is an appletini (light on the tini)-swilling "sensey" (that's "sensitive person") who can't hold on to his "man cards" (which would be taken away from him if he did something girly) for a full day. This is lampshaded by Zach Braff in the bloopers to Season 8.
"You haven't been here in a while, my character's really gay now."
Carla was initially a tough cookie Team Mom. As the seasons went on, the writers Flanderised her obsession with gossip and her domineering tendencies over Turk. She also went from giving advice to forcing her opinions on everyone else and admitting that taking the moral high ground "is like crack for me".
Elliot went from being a pretty normal, slightly quirky, girl with no interest in kids and a high degree of efficiency coupled with no personal skills to highly neurotic, obsessed with getting married and having kids, and the most compassionate doctor in the hospital that was only there because she wanted to help people. The family part is at least somewhat justified by the fact that she as she got old she had a stronger desire to settle down.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 12 points 1 year ago


@Madison_rogue it does. The artwork was detected as being created with AI due to significant quality issues, not through thorough forensic analysis/mathematical models.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago


@picandocodigo it's averaging about 20M units a year, so assuming Switch 2 makes the Switch 1 totally obsolete, we'd need another year+ of strong sales to rise to number one. If the Switch 1 continues to be sold after Switch 2 is released (not fully backwards compatible, Switch 1 price drop, Switch 2 is just more expensive), then less than a year or strong sales plus another couple years of long tail sales to get over the hump.

If it overtakes, I can imagine the most likely scenario to make it happen are - Switch 2 is considered unambiguous successor at $350-$400, Switch 1 price drop of only like $25-$50, basically just to clearance out the old stock, except no switch lite replacement for the first year, so the now $150-$175 switch lite continues to to rack up sales at a ridiculously apealing price. Obviously they could easily reach 1at place if they did a really agressive price drop but that doesn't seem likely for nintendo at all- a small price drop on the lite, especially if the choices are $150 Lite, $250 V2, $300 OLED, $400 Switch 2

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago


@skhayfa your wording is a little confusing - you said this will only bring them to $21, and and that they were hoping for more than $10. A) this will bring them to $21 today, with 4 more guaranteed yearly increases bringing the total to $28.52. B) if I'm understanding correctly, minimum pay today is $18.25, so this would cumulatively be a $10.27 raise over 5 years.

What would an actually good contract look like? To me, I can definitely understand why this would be dissapointing. But I can also understand why some people would be willing to accept a greater than 50% wage increase over 5 years as a win.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago


@CosmicSploogeDrizzle @AProfessional

Dolphin is open source, add a better updater.

I personally don't know how to write a better updater. It would have been a huge win to get access to steam's for free. This isn't putting down Dolphin to want that.

[-] Blakerboy777@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago


@R00bot @postscarce

I have for sure ran into performance issues during really demanding sections. I think the honest take is, as a switch game, the resolution and framerate are lower than if this was on Xbox Series X. At the same time, I think it's high enough that the game still looks great and quite stable. We aren't talking Pokémon Scarlet type constant frame drops for no reason. Performance issues were very rarely a concern - I think the game is well designed and it truly is something where a significant frame drop won't happen for multiple play sessions.

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