[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

China also has a more efficient energy transfer system than elsewhere in the world, so the loss is a lot less than you would expect, lower than, for example, it would be in US.

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 6 months ago

It appears China and Russia are visa-free for each other's tour groups since 2023.

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 10 months ago

I only realized it's NOT an armband after you pointed it out x)

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

If they just want to stay out of the situation they wouldn't make this statement, which sets forth their position very thoroughly: a two state solution based on 1967 borders. They've made this position clear for decades.

Chinese influence is coming into West Asia without a doubt, but they do NOT intend to be another great power that has clearly picked a side, clearly favoring certain countries over others. Picking side is how the West had played things, divide and conquer, sow distrust. After all this time, all countries there KNOW the Americans will pick Israel above all others, and thus the US can never act as a genuine peacemaker, no one will trust them to be fair. Nor can Russia, which has picked their sides fairly clearly too. But China can, having established trade relations with many countries in the region, and therefore in a position to talk to all sides and actually have the believable neutrality to pass messages, promote negotiations, and maybe achieve something.

I'm little frustrated, because it seems like people just want China to turn into another US, to interfere deeply with other countries' internal affairs but just do so with whatever side that is different than what the West had traditionally picked. That doesn't result in a multipolar world where great powers respect every country and regions' sovereignty; that's just tilting the world toward another pole. So they aren't going to do it, there is clearly stated principles behind their stance.

Finally, the Chinese historically did not played politics by using forceful power. For thousands of years, the way they dealt with foreign powers is through a system with tieres of BENEFITS and honors (apart from short aberration, such as Mao era). So they've always been more about the carrot than the stick, and now too they work more with dangling potential benefits to the West Asian countries in their effort toward providing more stability. It's more about painting a picture to all the leaders about how great it would be if everyone is not fighting as much, the potential for prosperity, etc, which is always going to be a longer process than straight up sending violence.

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 1 year ago

I really need a "hide read post" option 😺

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

OK, here's a couple more that are famous and great for touristic reasons of history /culture /good food /great landscape /etc

Xi'an (one of the ancient capitals of China, starting point of the traditional and new Silk Road), Guilin (every single time they show China in cartoon, with giant mountains and winding rivers, they're basically showing here), Shenzhen (the new hyper modern high tech city), Guangzhou (old English name was Canton, as in Cantonese food), Suzhou and Hangzhou (historically famed for being chill and beautiful, lakes and canals etc), Hainandao (Chinese version of Hawaii), Nanjing (another ancient capital of China, lots of culture), Harbin (lots of Russian architecture here, and a FANTASTIC and huge ice sculpture show every year)

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 year ago

...sounds grim and surreal. Pretty sure I've read post-apocalyptic fiction with similar backgrounds :|

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 35 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There was a period when foreigners, especially English-speaking white foreigners, were treated effusively in China, elevated above all Chinese people and often far above the natural social place these folks had back in their own countries. They got better jobs, better job situations and benefits, and Chinese people in general gave them respect and admiration based on their whiteness and exotic Westerness alone.

Then China opened up to the world at ever increasing pace, Chinese people became more sophisticated, and an entire generation of previously-fêted foreigners lost their elevated place in society. They crashed back to earth and drifted back to the social positions they always would have had based on their personal abilities and talents.

Laowhy and Serpentza lived through the tail part of that shift. The good and easy time they'd had in China soon ended, they were barely making ends meet, and soon had to leave. They became deeply bitter, and attributed that natural change in society to the CPC ruining the good times for everyone, not just themselves. Thereafter they fell in with various anti-China crowds within and without China, and also found just how lucrative anti-China videos are on yt.

So it's a combination of both a personal sense of being wronged, plus the good grift, that resulted in their channels and stance today. They were always grifters at heart, the change in money merely changed the nature of their content.

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

At that point of wealth you aren't thinking about spending money as an individual, or even an individual family (even including hangers on and staff). You are essentially a representative of a power that parallels governments, with worldwide reach, and will think along those lines. You want to implement worldwide policies, dictate the tides of capitalism, play with your own regime change politics, break the barriers of old age, gene manipulation, and get the process started on astro-mining and colonizing Mars.

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Oh wow, boingboing and deli.cio.us, nostalgic old site names I haven't thought about in years.. :)

[-] Blinky_katt@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Mine also finally stopped about an hour ago 😭 Good bye, Boost

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