What is bank of Scotland and why does it have a British flag on it

You don't give me legitimacy. It's my concerns. You aren't gme. You aren't Cohen. And so what point do you have to make.

I have concerns regarding the company and how we go forward. Pretty sure everyone does. No moass therefore haven't achieved the set out goal.

Your two cents are not noted though. You've just complained about my comments. You didn't counter anything you didn't put anything forward. Kinda pointless.

What is the current plan ? Wait and hope things just work out ?

How is having concerns boohooing. Threw my life savings into this. The shareholders get no real answers from the company. Cryptic tweets and poo emojis are not answering questions.

CEO just got canned and we don't know why.

There were plans in motion. The split was to push back against short sellers. Drs, book just holding yet it's 2023 and the stock hasn't risen in 6 months.

We were closer before when the stock kept rising and being pushed down. I'm still for moass. I'm for corruption being exposed and the guilty being prosecuted.

No cell no sell. However nothing seems to be Happening.

I'd hope a chairman would be able to come out and say we are working on something. I'd you can't do that when your company is being forced into the ground then when the hell can you.

Why has the count stopped?

Has gme Drs count shut down ? The website just redirects to reddit now ?

Has the Drs movement fallen off a cliff ? The bot was counting yet the numbers were way off.

So we still look at locking the float or has that also ceased ?

What is the current plan of action?. Wait and hope a 08 crisis crushes wall St or that someone grows a conscious and pulls the plug ?

Longer this goes on the more disheartening it gets. Seemed like we were so close and yet now the stock barely moves. Wasn't holding the stock meant to be enough.

Super useful. 50 years. So what's even the point. Society might not even exist then. Corruption everywhere

Good to know. Thanks very much

Is SS over then ? What are the posts if not DRS ?

Yeah I had seen a lil of that. So did they remove those shares from Drs ? So the number will be lower at next count ?

It's more relevant than before? How do ? Does the link give anything to reddit? I'd prefer to give them zero attention if at all possible

So nothing has changed. I've been. Pure Drs since the heat lamp theory.

Was there recent chatter about book and such and more information about short sellers ?


I've no idea what's been going on with my beloved gme since reddit went dark.

I'm guessing nothing much has changed.

Also is Drs now dead in the water ? Seems the Drs page hasn't been updated in months.

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