TIL that it not French with the weirdest way to count. I still don't really get the Danish way. Even with your explanation.
Fuck their middle-aged mentality
Alle Jahre wieder...
Critical situation for ecowas as 4 countries had recent military coups and seem not to have the same orientation as ecowas anymore.
More thank mildly interesting I think 😉
I was wondering why you guys are saying it's photoshopped. Even Wikipedia haste incredible photos of this species.
Edit: picture embedd didn't work
I think you're wrong. It's called Calypte costae https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa%27s_hummingbird
Bei Jung und Naiv war neulich eine Ökonomin die da ziemlich konkret drüber erzählt hat. War super spannend. https://jung-naiv.podigee.io/858-china-inflation-okonomin-isabella-weber-lebensmittelpreise
Was für eine Überraschung. Auch Leute ausm Ausland mit guten Jobs haben kein Bock auf Rassisten 🤷