The real question is why people pay for Plex when Jellyfin is free and open source
footybite.c o m
Don't know what you're talking about regarding ratio... TL have by far the most generous freeleech out there. Just grab lots of freeleech and after 10 days your ratio will be high. It's comical how easy it is to get high ratio on that site.
thanks for ruining the party 😕
yes, I'm aware. As I said I don't 'know and trust' anyone IRL who would use this, so I'm offering them to people in the community who will hopefully use them responsibly. I'll coach any of those chosen if they're unsure and of course point them in the direction of the (very comprehensive) wiki.
In this thread: people that think quality is based solely on the codec used.
On my router (Wireguard). OpenWRT ftw
This provider seems to only offer mainland European channels. They also don't provide a channel list which is very weird and somewhat suspicious. I was interested but need to know more before I pull the trigger. The site offers virtually no real information
It doesn't have anything to do with speeds mate, it's easy to keep a good ratio on TL by downloading freeleech content and seeding it for 10+ days. It doesn't even have to be content you want. Just keep it seeding and you'll rack up big numbers, which you can then exchange for upload credit.
No VPN necessary. Eweka and Geek is a great combination.
Provider: Eweka Indexer: Geek
I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - your reply number. It's yours, my man. Send me a PM with your email address.
Why QNAP over Synology?