Sub 200 TSLA is possible!
Hell, I believe sub 100 TSLA may be possible. That'd be when his empire really starts to crack.
On the top bar for the typing box there is a button called list. Or you can start each new line with a hyphen and a space before typing the ingredient.
Like so
350 degrees for 50-60 min. Great with 1cup Choco chips or pecan/walnut.
I'd be an obvious act of war. Republicans and most average Americans would feel justified in joining with Russia to rip Ukraine in half in retaliation. Even Europe would be hesitant to defend Ukraine because we had all just seen the Ukrainian president (fatally?) assault the king of america on live television.
However, within the country I think if any national level democratic politician was serious about the threat posed by trump they should use their political position to get access to him and then tackle him and start punching. Obviously they'd go jail. Obviously there'd be a national scandal. But the dude is old a hard fall would kill him. In the long run, it'd do way more good than holding up a "this isn't normal" index card.
Video of the scene afterwards.