ORAGNE is a play on his orange tan, and Agent Orange was a chemical used in the Vietnam War, it burned away swathes of the forests, as well as injuring many Vietnamese.
joined 1 month ago
He's protecting himself and his friends, just like any other politician in history. Go figure, Agent ORAGNE became the swamp.
Commenting so I can save this on my phone later.
Compartmentalize the people, conquer their minds. Machiavelli's divide and conquer.
That's why I created this name, to give people a bit of a laugh. That and the Hot Rod sketch. I also try to be as positive in my comments as possible, but there are days where that falls by the wayside.
Exactly so. She also had a really scratchy meow, but the loudest purr.
A beauty and a scholar, she is.
I doubt it, the vet would have charged me a lot more for putting her down.
She looks exactly like my old cat. Her name was Snowball.
Welcome aboard!
Manufactured consent.
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Oh, they do. They're just talking about pragmatism when it comes to their business interests, not the pragmatics of reality. Edit to add that they know exactly what they are saying, their Doublethink is precise.