Or a half of a man in case of torso.
I'm not in the mood to debug. I'll wait for triple buffering and see if that improves the situation, if not then I'll try to fix it. Thanks for your willingness to help.
The software is the worst of the worst among official GNOME apps. It is very slow when searching, the search results are poor, and there are a lot of bugs. I mostly use Flatpaks, so I prefer to use the Flathub site as a frontend.
Sorry, I should phrase it better. It's obvious that some EU countries were involved in conflicts and not necessarily on the good side, but not as the European Union as a whole. Countries in the EU are independent, they are not like states in the USA. The EU doesn't control them. The European Union was established to unite countries economicaly and next was transformed to align with the ideals of unity and in consequence make the the world better, just listen to the anthem. The EU does not have an army, and today this is precisely one of the topics being raised. I believe it should not have one. We are too strongly misaligned internally.
I don't agree recent history shows we are close to be like Russia, China and or USA. First of all Russia. Russia is the most aggressive country with a lot of military power including nuclear arsenal. There is no freedom of speech. There is no democracy and it is ruled by an oligarchy. The mentality of people including soldiers is, I don't even know how to express it. Since the time of the Soviet Union basically the same. Rape, murder, plunder. This is not Putin's war, this is the war of most russians.
Next China, no democracy, power in hands of the Communist Party. They are sharpening their teeth on Taiwan. They are supporting Russia and North Korea. They carry out ethnic cleansing, for example they persecute Uyghurs.
USA, basically an oligarchy. It doesn't matter who is in power, Democrats or Republicans, they always send the military to keep the oil money flowing.
Even Ukraine is not flawless. There is significant corruption there. There are also lot of Nazi sympathizers(Zelenskyy included), with their red and black flags. They exalt Stepan Bandera and his crimes. Ukraine still hasn't allowed Poland to exhume those murdered in Volhynia, and they brazenly name streets after murderers. And yet, everyone is helping them against the Russian onslaught.
Are you drunk?
Also air would be not as risky? I dunno, Russia still has, as far as I remember, a lot of anti air defense systems. (The most risk free, for infantry, would be Taurus and other long range attack systems)
In the video, it is stated that it's easier to die by shelling than to shoot down an aircraft, which seems rational. Especially since our aircraft are significantly more technologically advanced than Russian ones. However, I won't comment further because I'm not an expert on this topic, that's why I watch the analysis.
Yeah that "takeover" should only ever come on a cooperative basis and with the request by Ukraine.
Yeah, totally agree. There is no other way. We are not orcs. The EU never acted like this and never will. We respect the sovereignty and rights to decision making of other countries. We don't act like the USA, Russia, and China. We never enter uninvited.
The truth is, if we do nothing or continue to act as we are now, Ukraine will lose. We need to do something. More ammo, more equipment, more sanctions, more of everything. Probably we will have to get our hands dirty and even spill some blood. Putin is a madman who will not accept defeat. If we don't arm Ukraine to the teeth or deploy troops there, he will always try to occupy it.
First of all, sorry the title is too controversial. Maybe I should change it? I think this "takeover" would happen on a cooperative basis with Ukraine. Sending ground troops is highly controversial, but a strong European air force could protect strategic facilities in Ukraine. It would be powerful support and not as risky as land based assistance. Morr info in the video at 21:40.
I have Intel HD Graphics 620 and there is always like this when my laptop is not in performance mode and even if it is, the animations start to stutter after the computer has been idle for a while.
Great software what can I say more.