Is this guy living near a failed nuclear power plant?
These companies are gonna complain about piracy being so rampant while making their service so awful that piracy becomes a better choice
With the amount of money jeff bezos has he can probably make catboys and catgirls real
Wow i didnt knew biden was a chess player
Checked the docs of linux from scrath can confirm it needs to have hannah montana linux for it to work
Only access the real onion mirrors of piracy sites if you dont wanna see disturbing images
And thats why i believe that ublock origin is needed for modern web browsing
What is wrong with the eu? Why do they need to always ban end to end encryption?
Elon musk he is slowly destroying twitter
seeing linux go more popular due to windows going crap puts a smile on my face most of the games i have on my windows machine can run on linux without any issues expect for roblox
How to make your country burn faster 101
Can we get a sacriface or kill child kernel panic skirt :3