It seems to me that humanity's collective nature has been broken down gradually. First we lived in tribes. Then extended families. Then, in living memory that got broken down into the nuclear family, where it became more normal to live with just your parents/kids instead of having an extended network of people to rely on. Now we're at the stage where the nuclear family is being broken down, many people don't even have that and many people are totally on their own, whether it's elderly people abandoned by their younger relatives, kids thrown out when they turn 18, a divorced parent and young child with no support from the other parent, an adult choosing to be alone. It seems to me this has been the plan all along. Maybe because it weakens humanity, we can put up less resistance against the super rich than if we collectivised. Maybe because it makes people poorer, struggling and paying bills alone, so they're more likely to fall into debt, default, and then the bank takes their property and so the rich own more of the world and the rest of us soon own nothing.
I read that it was normal for women to keep their body hair until razor companies started marketing ads towards women, making them think they'd be more beautiful hair-free. Soon porn started featuring mainly hair-free women, so more and more men grew up thinking this was normal. Eventually hair removal amongst women became the norm, to the extent that now a woman is considered ugly or unkempt if she doesn't remove her body hair. So the whole thing was just about making money.
Some of us would welcome a nuke.
If they won't write letters for your claim, can't you try telling them something like: Since you won't help me go on disability and I can't afford to survive without a source of income, you are leaving me no choice but to stop taking the medication so I can keep on working?
Oh sorry to hear that. Do you have anyone who can accompany you?
This bit " Are we doing everything to make sure people in the city know how to access this critical care?" particularly pisses me off. He's implying that it's the family's own fault that this happened, that there is all the help needed out there, the family just didn't access it. Never mind that they'd asked the authorities for help twice and didn't receive any.
It reminds me of in the UK whenever a disabled person has their benefits stopped and starves to death, the news reports are always full of victim blaming, saying that there's so much help out there, the disabled person just didn't access it. When, actually I know from experience, there is nowhere enough help and whatever authorities you contact just refer you back and forth to each other.
It seems most countries just have the appearance of help in place so that people who are doing alright can sleep at night, imagining that there is help available for the less fortunate, when there really isn't.
It's absolutely falling apart. Then again, the whole country is.
Sorry to hear that. I'm in a similar situation. But we are here for you and you can have us as your social outlet. Are you able to walk outside at all?
For example he recommended a nausea medication but I looked into it and you shouldn’t take it for more than 5 days because it can cause irreversible motor damage lmao.
This, unfortunately, is what it is to be on meds. You take one for your medical condition, but that one causes side effects, so you take another med to deal with the side effects. Then that med causes side effects, so you take another to deal with those side effects. Before you know it you're on so many meds you need help keeping track of them. It's a ridiculous way to live. And the doctors don't care because it isn't them living like this.
There are very few professions I have less respect for than the medical profession. It took them three and a half years to diagnose my cancer because they refused to do any tests. They said I was "too young for it to be anything serious." They accused me of being a hypochondriac, suggested I must be depressed, or have chronic fatigue syndrome. Anything other than do their jobs and find out what was wrong. I suffered immensely that entire time, so badly I tried to commit suicide. And then they treated me like an attention seeker. Now they know I'm seriously ill and disabled but still very few of them do what they can to help me keep a roof over my head, or stay fed. Truly awful people.
I'm probably the comrade who advised you that would happen. Yep, this happens to me, every time. Only the GP and mental health practitioners will write sicknotes and letters for benefit claims. None of the others I see - endocrinologist, neurologist, oncologist, stroke clinic, will do it. They all say "That's not our job, we don't do that."
Once, after much pleading, I managed to persuade the physiotherapist to write one for me. But he didn't want to do it, and made sure the note he wrote was useless.
My evil ex-therapist, who I've written about before - wrote me a good letter for my benefit appeal. But then months later when I no longer wanted to attend her sessions she got angry (I'm assuming because she doesn't get paid for the sessions I don't attend) and said she would inform the benefits people that I haven't been going to the sessions (because my attendance at her sessions, plus the letter she wrote, would help me win my appeal). I pointed out that I already have to beg for food while I wait for the outcome of my appeal, and if I lose the appeal altogether, then I'll have no hope. I'll become homeless, and commit suicide. She did not care at all. She said "if that happens, I'll give you a phone number for a homeless shelter."
I'm a partially sighted cancer and stroke patient undergoing months of multiple foot surgeries. It's the middle of a very cold winter and I can't wear shoes. Can you imagine being homeless and probably moved around from shelter to shelter - if they even have any beds available - carrying my belongings from place to place in this condition? She did not care at all. it didn't affect her so she didn't care what happened to me. Just like she didn't care that i can't afford food now, and when I told her about this site and how people donate food vouchers to me, she was appalled and contemptuous about me begging strangers for food and told me to "Stop doing that." OK I'll just starve then.
These medical professionals do not care about us. They only care about their paycheque. It would take them 5 minutes to type and print a quick note about our conditions, and that would make it easier for us to stay fed and housed. But no, they are too mighty and important to concern themselves with the homelessness and starvation of the proles. Most of these specialists earn around £100K, or even more, a year. Live in nice houses, have foreign holidays, send their kids to private school. What do they care if you or I are on the street or in a homeless shelter, hungry and freezing? It doesn't affect them.
See my edit. Definitely the owners starving her.