
joined 6 months ago

Perhaps the revolution is underway!


Just keep blaming the poor people so you’ll forget how fucking awful the elitists of the world are!


I guess next she'll be complaining that there are too many of us starving to death on the street.

So just mention a few friends on here and just don't mention they're online.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

We can be your online support group. But what proof do you need to give the doctor? Do they need to meet your friends/see photos of you with them? Or is just telling the doctor about them enough?

OK thanks. I'll send it as it is.

Which country are you in? In my experience, (in the UK) specialists like haematologists refuse to get involved in benefit claims, they say it's your GP's responsibility to deal with that. But maybe it's different where you are.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Oh, I forgot. Should I mention that the reason I'm writing this in a letter is because it's impossible to get a GP appointment now (the receptionist always turns me away, sometimes saying they have no appointments, or trying to fob me off by telling me to go and see a chemist for a prescription instead. You can now only get practise nurse appointments.) Or would that seem too complaining/combative/passive aggressive?

Oh yeah, I definitely need to give it a read through first, thanks. I think I'll drop it off on Thursday since I have to go there for a dressing change. Thanks so much for all your help, I really appreciate it. I will let you know if I get a response this time.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

So sorry this happened to you. IME finally accepting that you're disabled for life and that you can't do the things you used to any more, isn't the hard part. The hard part is how society treats you for being disabled, unemployed, a burden to society, etc. What country are you in? Some of us here might be able to give you tips and support with the disability benefit process and whatever other help you might need.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Dear Dr R,

I have noticed that lately I have been prescribed only half the amount of Dermol 500 cream and e45 eczema repair cream I used to receive. I was previously prescribed two bottles of each a month but now receive only one. I would like to ask that my future prescriptions are for two bottles each rather than just one. I need to use Dermol 500 as a soap substitute daily over my entire body, followed by e45 eczema repair cream as a mosituriser and one bottle simply doesn’t last for a month. Prior to being prescribed these items, I was using ordinary soaps and body washes, and it aggravated my eczema to the point that I had open sores that regularly got infected. This resulted in frequent trips to both hospital and the GP surgery and regular treatment with both antibiotic tablets and topical antibiotics. Since switching to these items, the eczema has remained in remission and I have not had any skin infections from it nor needed antibiotic treatment for it.

I have also previously written to the surgery about my rimegapant prescription, but they have not responded. Previously I was taking rizatriptan for migraines, but since I had a stroke, the neurologist prescribed rimegapant because rizatriptan is contraindicated in stroke patients. I have tried all the other migraine treatments including nerve blocking injections in my head, none of which worked. Rimegapant, along with topiramate, are now the only things I can take that give any relief, and rimegapant can be taken daily as a preventative. The GP won’t prescribe more than 8 tablets per month, which is insufficient for use as a daily preventative. Migraine with aura, which I suffer from, doubles the risk of stroke, and as I have had one stroke already I would like to do everything possible to prevent another. The neurologist originally prescribed 8 tablets for me to try to see if they worked, but said I can increase them to daily if they help. They do work for me by ending a migraine, but as I don’t receive enough to take daily I still get migraines. Would you please therefore increase the number of rimegapant tablets I am prescribed?

I also previously wrote to the surgery about my topiramate prescription but have not received they have not responded. I received a letter saying that all female patients taking this medication must take birth control too, as topiramate can cause birth defects. However, I am not sexually active nor have any intentions to be, and I also appear to be going through the menopause. I do not need birth control and am unwilling to take it under any circumstances. I acknowledge the risks to the hypothetical unborn child that the NHS is prioritising above me. Please confirm that I will continue to receive my topiramate prescription.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Thanks for the advice, I will rewrite and repost tomorrow. The risks to the hypothetical baby are a doubled risk of autism and ADHD. It seems mad to me to make me suffer without migraine meds, or force me to take an unwanted drug, so that a baby who will never be conceived won't have ADHD. I'm not sure how to phrase that though.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I'm biologically female, and I've had the same issue. I once had an elderly male acquaintance start loudly discussing my sexuality in a crowded cafe, announcing to the room that I must be a lesbian since I didn't have a romantic partner. He went on and on about it until everyone in the cafe was looking at me and laughing.

Thanks. if you're getting extra symptoms like aura, then it's migraine you're having. You can even get a migraine without a headache at all, sometimes I just get the aura without the pain. You might want to see if you can try something like rizatriptan or rimegapant, as I believe taking opiates can make headaches and migraines worse if used too much.

[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Thank you for the offer but I'm on so many meds already with so many side effects i don't want to take another one. It's one of the reasons I don't want to be put on birth control.


The amount of bullying I received for being asexual, this does not surprise me.


As mentioned on here before, my GP surgery has reduced the amount of meds the prescribe me, not on medical grounds, but I believe on cost-saving grounds. The pharmacist in the pharmacy that is joined on to the doctor's surgery recently complained to me about the cost of my meds, and this isn;'t the first time.

The neurologist prescribed me migraine tablets and says I can take one a day as a preventative, but the doctor will only prescribe 8 a month. This is the med the pharmacist complained about - they're £12 a tablet.

Also they recently cut the amount of eczema cream and soap substitute I'm prescribed in half. Again - no medical reason for this. It's just it costs around £20 a bottle so now I'm only allowed one bottle a month instead of two.

I'm writing to the GP to ask him to reconsider, can someone help me? What should I say and how should I phrase it? Would it be going too far to mention that the pharmacist has (publicly, in front of other patients) shamed me for the amount my meds cost the country? Would it be too emotive to say "I know I'm costing the country money but I need these things"?


I've been trying not to ask for help again on here so soon, worried that people will get sick of me. But my surgical wounds are infected and while I have the dressings I need, thanks to help received from here, I now need medical iodine patches. They are sterile patches of gauze that you place directly over the wounds and they fight the infection. They aren't provided on the NHS, I have to pay for them myself. I need them very urgently, less than two weeks ago I ended up in the emergency department because the infection got so bad and I really don't want it to get that bad again.

Due to the DWP checking people's bank accounts, I don't feel safe asking for actual money if I can avoid it (I'm going through a disability benefit appeal.) So I am hoping someone might order these patches and send them to me. I need as many as I can get as they said the wounds from this current surgery could take another 3 months to heal fully, and I'm having another surgery on 24th April. But even one box would be a huge help.

It's really quite urgent.

They are available from various online medical suppliers who take paypal and credit/debit cards:


They are available on amazon:


I am also getting low on the outer dressings, if anyone can help with this:



Due to being unable to wear shoes at the moment but still having to go outside sometimes, I really need some of these. They gave me some at the hospital with my original bandage pack but I'm about to run out:



I am so exhausted by how difficult it is to get medical treatment in the UK when needed. I recently had foot surgery, at the moment I'm having my surgical dressings changed by the practice nurse twice a week. She cleans the wounds, puts an iodine patch on to help clear the infection, and redresses them. While the treatment is free on the NHS, the dressings aren't, I have to pay for those. So much for the NHS being "free at the point of delivery." I had to buy a box to take home too, for when the wounds are no longer so bad and I start to change them myself at home.

My next appointment for a dressing change is on Thursday but today one of the dressings came off. The wound it was covering is deep, oozing blood and orange/yellow fluid, and was totally exposed. I called the GP surgery and explained the situation and asked for a sooner appointment to get it changed. They said there are no appointments and the nurse is too busy to see me, I'll have to phone in the morning and see if I can get one. Appointments are released at 8.30am, but they all get snapped up at once. So many people need an appointment that at 8.30 everyone starts phoning or turning up in person and always, by the time I get through, they're all gone. The only reason I have the twice weekly appointments I do is because they're post-surgical appointments that were booked in advance. So I'll try but I know there's a 0.0001% chance of me being able to get an appointment sooner than Thursday.

So, I dressed the wound myself with one from the pack I had to buy. I don't have iodine patches to put on it, and I can't do it in a 100% sterile way like the nurse can. The surgical wounds already got so infected that about 9 days ago I ended up having to go to the emergency department (because, again, only way to get seen as the GP practice said they had no appointments and wouldn't squeeze me in.) I'm worried it'll get infected again now, and the dressing I've done isn't very comfortable, I'm worried it might be too tight but I had to wrap micropore around it to hold it in place.

It makes me so angry when I see British people bragging to Americans and other nationalities about the NHS. It's shit. Almost impossible to get an appointment and having to pay for your own damn bandages. And all the cost-saving measures they make only end up costing more in the long run.


Life is just becoming untenable. It's bad enough being ill and disabled, dealing with chronic pain, endless hospital appointments, multiple surgeries and seeing my life slip down the drain because I'm not well enough to do anything worthwhile. But I could live with this. What I can't cope with any more is poverty.

It's one thing going through benefit appeals. OK my money gets stopped for months during the appeal, and I rack up debt and have to beg for food on here. It's hard because I usually get ignored on mutual aid so had to start asking for help on here, and I'm always worried that people on here will stop responding too. So living with constant threat of hunger too. Having to eke out each morsel of food carefully. But I could live with that for a while until my benefits get sorted, since it's temporary.

But now the government say they are cutting disability benefits drastically, to the point I will not be able to live on them, AND they're making it virtually impossible to claim them AND they're forcing claimants into work placements. Multiple doctors have written me letters of support saying I'm totally unfit for any type of work whatsoever, and need help with basic daily things. Yet I still got 0 points on my last assessment. So there is no way the DWP will take the doctor's word for it that I can't work when these new rules come in (and the government say they're being implemented in 54 days.) I know I can't work any more, it's not even a debate.

On top of cancer treatment and a stroke, I'm currently recovering from my last foot surgery. I can't even wear shoes right now, and they said the recovery could take up to 4 months to be complete. I need another foot surgery and I've been given the date - 24th April. That's three months from now. That means just as I recover from this surgery I'll be having another one and have to go through the whole thing again. And this recovery has been horrible - as well as being unable to wear shoes I ended up in A&E when my surgical wounds got infected and it's still infected. I have to get the dressings changed by the nurse multiple times a week and pay for my own bandages because the NHS don't pay for that! I got the money for the bandages by begging on here. And that alone puts me at risk of getting in trouble with the DWP. AND I have to constantly fight to keep my meds as they're always trying to stop or reduce them on cost grounds, never on medical grounds.

I just feel that this latest news about disability benefits is the final straw. When this is implemented I don't see any way out but suicide. I am scared of course, I tried once before and just ended up in intensive care for 5 days. I'm worried about making another mess of it. This sick world does everything it can to make the most reliable and painless suicide methods unavailable, while making people's lives more unbearable so they want to die, but can't.

I'm thinking my only real option is drowning. I live right by the sea and have some diazapam tablets, maybe I can take enough to knock myself out so the drowning won't be so bad. I should stress I am planning to do this in several months when the financial situation becomes clear, not right now so I don't want any do-gooders phoning the police on me or any shit. I am only writing this so if the time comes people will know I did this purely for financial reasons, because the government have bullied me to the point of having no other way out.

I will not accept being out on the street, or moved from shelter to shelter. In fact I asked my shitty therapist about sheltered accommodation, you know what she said? She said you have to pay to live there, it's not free. I said so what about when I'm not in receipt of benefits, such as during appeals? She said then I'd be evicted. There is no security or safety, anywhere.

I am tired of this. The immense stress of benefit assessments and appeals is bad enough, but this new government have taken away all hope of a survivable future. It's already exhausting and stressful begging for food and never knowing whether I will get a response or not, but this new situation means the end of all hope and a life of permanent destitution and homelessness.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml to c/books@lemmygrad.ml

Years ago I had a book, The Mask of Time, by Joan Forman. I thought it was still on my shelf. Today I found out the book is valuable. There's a copy on eBay going for £150. Of course I rushed to find mine..... and it's nowhere to be found. Last year my landlady took a load of old books to the charity shop, I can only imagine it was amongst them. 😔 💔


Errol Graham was a disabled man in the UK. The DWP (benefit nazis) wrongly stopped his disability payments. Unable to buy food, he starved to death. The DWP then spent £1 million trying to cover up their part in his death, and the other deaths and torment they have caused people.

When a disabled person is getting a few thousand pounds a year to live on, the DWP will do anything they can to stop the payments. It's considered a huge financial burden for the country to pay a disabled person's living expenses. But they have a million pounds to blow to cover up their misdeeds!

It just rams home to me what a position I'd be in if it wasn't for the help I've received on here. Over the past few months several people have sent me food vouchers and other basic necessities and if it wasn't for you, I genuinely fear I would end up starving to death too. The food banks are difficult and time consuming to access and this country makes it as difficult as possible to access help.

Articles like this just show me how little my life is valued. Most people don't want my living expenses being paid. Even though there is millions of pounds always available to spend on things like this.

So thank you to the people on here who've helped me so i don't have to end up like Errol Graham.



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