You know what? I was getting really pissed and worked up because of this new whatever you call it way of ruling countries not giving a single fuck for anything - but right now I'm like, you know what? Just torch the place. These ideologies coming back and fucking everything up from nature down to our fellow humans is just proof we no longer deserve to exist and are hardwired to destroy ourselves. Lets welcome chaos, WITH KINDNESS, it's the only way to go. I'm still ready to die in my hills, but fuck it, I'm finally ready to welcome the last millennium. FTAGHN
Christ, what a surprise. Almost fell off my unicorn when I read that.
Nah, there probably will. Whoever is taking control of the US really don't care about MAGA's and 3rd terms. They'll just put another puppet there, the new way of doing things in post-capitalism still maintains and some people will continue to get increasingly very rich doesn't matter who the prez is. We finally reached "the future".
If I were him I'd install metal bars in my windows, specially if he lives in a high up condo. No reason, everything's fine.
I don't think we should keep treating this as meme. Things are just getting worse and fast for everyone, talking as a non american. I used to watch the late night shows on trump and laugh at the jokes but now it just makes my stomach turn. Especially now with the (surprising) opening and sidingwith russia, on top of eveything that has happened the last few weeks that involves the whole world either because he really means it or just to overwhelm the media and the public as he and his "advisors" do their thing behind the curtain, I feel this is not a joke anymore.
Yeah, I feel that. It's like part of me thinks there could've been another way to get to where we are, and go beyond. Sometimes I feel literal awe about our species ingenuity, hell, cerebral organoids??, but other part kind of yearns for a simpler, more natural, somehow healthier, more respectful and fulfilling, way of living and interacting with our surroundings (and ourselves!). But yeah, those moments in our history you mention certainly didn't work in favour of a greater togetherness with nature. Maybe it was something deeper. Maybe not, dunno, but either way, sometimes I feel "intelligence" as we describe it especially in relation to our species is a kind of an evolutionary dead end that was useful but eventually exhausts it's usefulness and starts working to our detriment. Having in mind the cost each leap or advancement has in the environment, in the ecosystems, sometimes I feel tempted to think it was nothing but a mistake, taking in consideration the planet and all it's life including us as a whole deeply connected system.
But can Musk continue snorting his ketamine? Cmon guys, cmon, please bro.
Oh, so that's why I saw some post about reddit alternatives and the person replying had to mask lemmy. Oh wow.
Oh yeah, I believe nature, the planet, will carry on, we're just shooting ourselves in the foot. I just feel for the part of it that won't survive our stay.
Sometimes I make this joke about all currently living higher primates, including us, sitting at a table, and we are yeeting our way around the room, and the other primates look at eachother and go "wait, that's the sapient one?? :D
I think we as a species took a very nasty turn in our evolution, either biological or social, that allowed us to "break away" from nature, so to speak, and create that duality Man/ Nature that in my opinion really didn't work that well. I'm pretty sure other animals have a consciousness too, so probably being conscious and self aware is by itself not the culprit. But something makes us feel so far removed from the rest of life that I find really unsetling, and it also only makes dealing with being that much more complicated, for example, not being able to accept death like you said. In that aspect, some religions are definitely better than others to mitigate that damage. Either way, I'm just here doing my best and hoping for the best!
This is my tune, not only biocentric, but also a very healthy dose of anti-anthropocentric. A species traitor, if you allow me to be as bold.
I really don't think that talk about humans being the god on earth, center of the universe, with a metaphysical excuse to exploit everything around us is doing wonders to our health nor long term survival... And obviously the "sapiens" of our epithet is only there because we gave it ourselves chef's kiss
Thank you for being born!