Please don't drive while standing?
There's a name for this phenomenon which I will notice all around me once I remember the name of said phenomenon.
Sie sind pauschal, das ist unser Problem an vielen Ecken, nicht nur bei Cannabis. Es betrifft nur die niedrigen und mittleren Einkommen.
Stop the train and let them die of thirst and animals?
You did your part and it was just fate that brought death on them.
ELI5 would be huge magnets. If there is something that melts everything humanity ever created and knows of, keep it away from everything. But it is a real problem, instability in the plasma leads to the need for better materials.
With a class name as vague as that you would have to add tons of information into the variable name.
Technically they did exactly that.
Full stack for babies shudders
That physically hurts and now spans across a lot of basic product categories, not just software - looking at you, Audi, BMW, HP and Tesla
The archive must grow
Pardon my ignorance but who was his grandfather?
Are you me? That's the reason my basement looks like a storage locker from a tv show with a huge metal box in it which makes funny noises.
And the part about the isp is true as well. 3.95 a month just to circumvent some bullshit restrictions and to prevent having to switch to a ridiculously overpriced business plan just to get a static IP.
But it was a great learning experience and I now know my way around wire guard and basic iptables V4 and V6.
Hm, I want to pull the trigger on nixos