Pro: his coming cleanses the world
Joke's on you, the Repulsor/Impulsor does not have wheels. It levitates.
Common missconception: people didn't just die in their thirties, the average is brought down somewhat hard by lots of infant death, childbirth complications and the like.
@Prunebutt says it right, it's the advancements in medicine, but thats more reactively treating diseases than proactively lengthening the lifespan.
Wenn man jetzt von den bestehenden Mitgliedern einer Glaubensgemeinschaft diejenigen abzieht, die nur wegen ihres Berufs einer solchen angehören müssen, wird's wahrscheinlich richtig interessant. Zumindest demographisch betrachtet.
Ich kenne einige Kindergärtner-, Lehrer- und Pfleger:innen, die bei kirchlichen Trägern angestellt sind und deswegen den alten Grundsatz "Wes' Brot ich ess, des' Lied ich sing" ausleben.
Same shit with bikes. Is the rider part of the bike or not?
This but also various mythological bits and pieces from England, because Tolkien wanted to create an English mythology akin to the Odyssey, Edda or Niebelungen.
Oh nein! Jedenfalls...
Where do you think we are?
Ich habe zuerst "Prozent" statt Cent gelesen und mich gewundert, ob ich die Legalisierung von Marihuana verpasst habe.
The german satire party DIE PARTEI wanted to implement a highest voting age. If you can't vote the first 18 years of your life, you shouldn't be able to vote the final 18 years.
If a german pensioneer can't drive a german car with more than 250 kph on the german Autobahn from north to south, west to east: how can we have EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT?
Wasn't there also something that Obama almost exclusively golfed at Andrews Base, a secure location near D.C. while the other guy had to go to his own club where the Secret Service had to book rooms in Trumps own hotel?