As an American, this brings me much shame. With immigrate parents, and friends, this slipper slope we are on is already steep. But it can get steeper. And until, it hits home with some of these RED states, not enough pressure will be felt on representatives and congress. This is not the worst timeline but fuck, we are getting there. Some off these people are already living there’s though. Shameful.
Unless we have some God-given special ability that lets us see the future, we don't know what is yet to pass. I myself am a new father, so I get where you're coming from. My boys mean everything to me, and can have anything that is of mine. If I were to give in to my darkest perception of the world, I would have been committed. As I believe most of us would be too. However, I refuse to live my life thinking that X days into the future, this planet will be unlivable. With the same ideology, many in the past, would've seen first hand the short life expectancy of their kids and would have thought to themselves "why should I bring another into the world?".
I should premise this by saying I am pro choice. However, I believe it is the person's choice to decide if they want to bring someone into the world, knowing that that person is their responsibility through their infancy and young adult adulthood. Regardless of what planet they are handed, life is still worth living. I repeat, life is still worth living.
So I ask, are you a fortuneteller to tell off @HunterFett?
Solidifying a generations bamboozlement. Times get better. But not for the bamboozled. They blame those that weren’t bamboozled for their bamboozlement. If they’re lucky, their next generation will see through the lies. More than likely not due to indoctrination. Hopefully they turn out like anti nazi Germans. Stomping out any “hails dipshit” they here uttered.
Oh indeed. That’s why AOC flying into oppositions towns to speak to your people is one weapon that other dems can deploy. But most refuse and are party to the rigging of this game. Personally, I think now is of utmost importance we make it clear. You don’t do your job, you’re out. Just like any other average American doing any kind of work. Can you imagine the shit you and I would get if we didn’t show up to a company meeting just because we didn’t want to listen to company owner or boss. Livid. The double standards and lying.
Everyone should just assume that’s what’s fucking happening. In this situation moving forward, Republicans (and Democrats) are guilty until proven innocent.