
joined 1 month ago
[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 month ago

There comes a time where it goes from frustrating to fun if you keep at it. You'll snap into it and be like, "I know how to fix this!" or other times you'll be furiously searching the web for your answer. I don't think you'll regret Pop!_OS. I started there and have been distro-hopping ever since. A lot is set up right out of the box in Pop.

Just sit back and work on one issue at a time until it works. Check into and learn how to setup Timeshift (basically system restore), you may thank yourself later. Though, Debian is pretty damn hard to break without actively trying to break it.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sometimes it's better to put something in your big book of sailor's secrets and not ask around too much.

Mum's the word.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago

Not too bad with Graphene OS. Graphene can run everything Google while keeping it completely containerized and away from the rest of your phone. It doesn't help with employer assigned tech, no, but at least you can keep any Google apps your employer might want you to have in a nice little isolated environment.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 1 month ago (5 children)

If you want to go even further, you can grab StreetComplete and have fun wandering your neighborhood while contributing to OpenStreetMap by answering questions for things like business hours, road widths, road materials, etc. Unfortunately, it seems to be android only at the moment and I'm not sure if there's an iOS alternative.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 month ago

I can respect this. I have all this creativity, 98th percentile in creative writing standard tests in the US (SATs, but this was also a while back), and I can't ever get beyond the start of a book before I'm bored, hate it, feels like work. I'm immediately drawn to other, shinier things to do. Forget neurospicy, I feel neuroblocked. I'm neuroselective of what I want to neurodo.

It's like drowning, but you can pick from a bunch of tiny straws poking up in the water to get air. Some days you want the yellow straw, oh but wait the green straw looks good... but there's that temptress the red straw in the corner, the sly devil. Sometimes you just want to breathe so you grab multiple straws in one day. Sometimes no straws look good and you just drown that day. However, by ADHD law, you can never use the same straw twice in a week.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 30 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

My neighbor has an indoor cat that spends all day getting into the highest spots he can find. This is his hobby. I've watched him get down from on top of the high-hung cupboards and the way he did it... it was like the whole apartment was his planet fitness. They all called him fat, because at first glance, sure you could say that.

He got down to come see me when I first visited and I was 100% sure that I never wanted to mess with this cat. It was like patting a fuzzy wall. He is not fat. Bro is built like a tank. He's literally V shaped. He's survived years with three pitbull dogs that like to chase him and try to use him as a toy. Out of all the animals there, that is the scariest one. That's what happens when your cat uses ALL the protein in that food for gainz.

I pointed this out to one of the neighbors and the look on their faces as they realized I was right.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 1 month ago

Seeding is a good way to be a good pirate. Some sites show your seed to leech ratio. As a rule of thumb, I usually try to seed double what I leech, but if I find something niche without a lot of seeders I try to maintain until the seeder rate becomes healthy. Simply put, you just don't delete or stop the torrent after its completely downloaded and don't quit your client. Just let it keep going.

You may find that your internet speed drops when seeding. In that case, most clients have a way to cap your upload speeds. Most modern internet speeds can keep up though; it used to be required way back when dial-up and DSL was more prevalent. You know, the good old times of spending three days downloading a movie to find out that it was scat porn.

[–] Eyedust@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 month ago

As someone just barely scraping by month to month, I needed something free and Tuta was the answer. 1gb is not bad at all, and a good choice for someone starting their degoogle journey.

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