Yes: Dumpster fire or not, Lemmy is definitely better than reddit. No question.
LPT: Don't use reddit because it's a fucking dumpster fire.
laughcries in neurodivergent
What can you do though: People are idiots and I am one of them.
At least some of it is shitty companies either neglecting to optimize or even outright sabotaging their own sites to try and force you to install their data harvesting app so they can sell more of your data for profit.
The rest is just lazy devs not optimizing because they're lazy and/or underpaid and overworked.
Just be sure to wash your hands before you eat the tacos: Heavy metals bad, safety first!
I highly recommend VLC
Whaaat? But China said they weren't doing that. China wouldn't just lie like that, would it?
Keying this car is a moral imperative.
Gutting the education system was a terrible idea.
We did it Lemmy! We've reached an arbitrary number of posts.
Just be straightforward: Avoid hinting, speak plainly. I can't speak for all guys, but I'm terrible at picking up on hints.