[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 3 points 1 year ago

How do you not see how gladio ties into this? It was basically the US changing sides in a war in Europe that never really ended. WW2 was about competition between imperial powers, and communism versus capitalism (as that struggle led directly to the rise of fascism). The end of the war resolved the imperialist competition, but not the question of communism. The US immediately turned around and started giving the European fascists guns, money and power after they no longer posed an expansionist threat, because fascists were still the most staunch anti communists. Again, this is why the soviets executed fascist war criminals, and the west didn’t even prosecute most of them. They became allies instead. It foreshadowed the west’s willingness to support the most brutal right wingers elsewhere around the world for the rest of the century to choke out any resistance to western neocolonial domination.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 3 points 1 year ago

Lol. Those people were basically brought over at gunpoint as war reparations. You think that’s the same thing as paper clip and gladio?

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 10 points 1 year ago

Definitely did not miss that. Whatever you think about the USSR, you cannot, without grotesque distortions of history, say that they rehabilitated European fascism. They executed nazis while the western powers were giving them citizenship, jobs, money, and weapons. And if you think soviet efforts to support revolutionary movements around the globe were “imperialism,” I’m not sure what to tell you besides please read a book.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 15 points 1 year ago

“Evil Russians.” Jesus Christ. As if the West did not rehabilitate European fascists immediately after WW2 and end up on the side of imperialism in every conflict around the world for the rest of the century and beyond. Many of which they themselves instigated. Get a fucking grip.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 27 points 1 year ago

Liberal thinks the shitty neoclassical economics taught in 99% of universities is economics itself. Imagine my surprise.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 48 points 1 year ago

“The other party” implies that there is a party representing the left/workers. I assume you are talking about American politics, and are specifically implying that party is the Democratic Party. To which all I can say, if you are actually serious, is LOL.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 42 points 1 year ago

Holy shit. How did people ever get it in their heads that drone strikes are not military incursions? Is it because there’s no humans physically entering the territory? Would you think the same thing if we were lobbing artillery shells over the border?

And how would doing either of those things without the cooperation of the Mexican government be anything other than an act of war?

I mean, I get that there is a difference between sending an armored column to occupy Juarez and a drone strike, and it’s not clear from the title which one we’re talking about, but you can’t really dispute that either of those things would be an act of war under any meaningful definition.

It’s an insane thing to say, regardless, because if you know anything about US Mexico relations you know he’s not talking about some kind of cooperative anti-cartel police action. He is in fact talking about an act of war. And a particularly stupid one at that.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 6 points 1 year ago

They're after that "peaceful coexistence" the USSR could never achieve because they failed to see that in order to peacefully coexist they first had to absorb most of the west's manufacturing capacity.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 50 points 1 year ago

I realized a year or so ago (after a letter from my isp) that I didn’t actually need to torrent anymore. There are websites like bflix.io (and I’m sure many others) that have basically everything streaming for free. Fuck subscriptions. Would maybe go back to torrenting if I got a vpn sorted out, but you’re not gonna get in trouble for streaming shit on a pirate website, so for now it’s the best solution I’ve found. Certainly not paying any of these assholes. Lol. Fuck outta here with that.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 31 points 1 year ago

Ukraine is fucked. As others have pointed out, western vultures are already carving it up via mass privatization (though they may be disappointed with what’s left when the war is over). The “counteroffensive” went nowhere and whether Russia marches all the way to Odessa is really just a question of if they want to at this point. The war was lost before it started and Ukraine will be lucky if it doesn’t get annexed to pieces by Poland et al in the coming months. Best case it keeps some manner of territorial integrity and limps along as a failed state. Not sure Zelensky deserves all the blame for this disaster, as the wheels were in motion at least as early as 2014, but they definitely bet on the wrong horse here.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 49 points 1 year ago

It 100% would be better. There is nothing in modern Chinese history that remotely approaches the level of imperial devastation the US has wrought on the world. This is not up for debate by any serious person. How many countries has China invaded recently? How many coups have they instigated? Is their "foreign aid" designed to help countries develop, or to extract as much wealth as possible while keeping them impoverished, underdeveloped, and dependent on the west for their most basic needs? Has the standard of living in China been going up or down in recent decades? Now ask yourself the same questions about the US.

[-] FakeNewsForDogs@hexbear.net 7 points 1 year ago

I don’t know that I would call that fascism. I think leftist governments (which we do not have) killing right wingers (frequently actual fascists) has been an unfortunate but inevitable part of defending revolutions historically. But a right wing government killing right wingers is something else entirely.

We can more or less expect our right wing government to kill leftists, because it has always done that, continues to, and would be doing a lot more of it now if there were actually more leftists wielding any sort of power. You can about count on one hand the number of right wingers the cops have murdered for political reasons, so I’m not sure the “what if they do it to us” hypothetical is all that illuminating. Because again, they always have been doing it to us.

You might find it in poor taste, but I can understand somebody not being too broken up about the shoe being on the other foot for once. Also, if this guy was posting about shooting the “Marxist” joe Brandon, I’m pretty sure he’s exactly the type of person who would happily shoot as many actual marxists as possible given the right opportunity. So I guess I’m not all that broken up about it either.

Though i do wonder if he had dementia. In which case it is in fact somewhat sad.

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