Nope, not wrong. We appreciate you.
And can contain some fun ascii art.
I remember this page from a book I had growing up. What’s neat is the UCS Lego set of this has the blue seats. I forgot about this cutaway so I was wondering why they chose blue. Now it makes sense.
Saw the title. Didn’t register in my brain. Opened photo. Content is tastefully done but ultimately not for me. Upvoted for austerity purposes.
I’ve had the rug pulled from them too many times to trust them. I’m slowly divorcing myself from them and their ecosystem. It’s not me, it’s you (Google).
What’s more maddening is that she has a phd in neuroscience from UCLA.
That’s a really pretty picture.
Why would anyone give a probiotic to an infant?!
Gamers proved to them that it didn’t matter if the game sucked on launch. Why keep building free updates when you can dump money into a new game? Which will most certainly be broken at launch again. Preorders need to stop being a thing and then we won’t have this type of mess anymore.
What could possibly go wrong? Such a terrible idea. I hope they have some safety measures in place to prevent sexual assault.
They gave it to the soda distributor who would stock the soda. Guy in the Pepsi or Coca Cola truck would take it.