Bailouts aren't socialism, nor are subsidies or healthcare for that matter.

Is it standard procedure to arbitrarily remove communities on this site without even notifying the moderators of the community? Let alone giving an example of whatever was the cause for the ban?

Markets breeding competition and competition leading to consolidation is economics 101, i don't think anyone regardless of ideology disputes this.

As for China, they indeed have markets, ever since the reforms of Deng. China has been liberalising ever since said reforms. The Chinese economy isn't socialist, only some parts of it are owned by the state, lots of the industry is privately owned. Not that China started as an anarchist commune to begin with. Right now China is liberalising further, in the future they will either completely abandon socialism and embrace social democracy, or essentially have a new revolution nationalising all private industry. Time will tell, but judging by Xi's rhetoric, the former sounds likelier.

Such "socialism" will simply degenerate back into capitalism as it cannot eliminate the markets, as it cannot have a planned economy. Markets always lead to competition, which leads to consolidation and accumulation.

Anarchism has the same individualist liberal basis as "regular" capitalism. An anarchist commune will always transform either to regular capitalism (pre-imperialist capitalism) or socialism.

Libertarianism is the ideology of the childish and selfish, it is the ideology of putting oneself and one's own interests before everything else, just dressed up in pretty words about "liberty".

Palvelua suorittavista sotilaista olikin kyse, harvemmin sotilaita tänne lomailemaan tulee. Tosiaan Yhdysvalloilla taikka millään muulla maalla ei ole minkäänlaista velvoitetta korvata mitään heidän sotilaiden tötöilyä taikka rangaista kyseisiä sotilaita, eli käytännössä heidän sotilaat ovat koskemattomia. Ja rahahan ei kaikkea korvaa, vaikka sitä jaeltaisiin (jos asia pääsee julkisuuteen), varsinkin jos kyse on ihmiseen kohdistuvasta rikoksesta. Tämä on aika kyseenalaista kumartelua Yhdysvaltojen suuntaan, varsinkin kun mitään ei tässä myöskään hyödyttäisi (sen sijaan tästä luksuksesta saadaan kaiken lisäksi maksaa).

Kommarit vastustaa homoutta.

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