Interlaken ist die Endstation, falls ihr in Hamburg in den ICE einsteigt und Richtig Schweiz fahrt. Schöne Gegend.
Ebenfalls grau, 6°C... bin trotzdem mit dem E-Bike zur Arbeit, 16km in 37min. So mach ich neben 8,5h Büro noch was schlaues. Wochenende war geil, Familienfest... hab die Kids im Bällebad des Hotels "bewacht" damit meine Frau mal wieder mit ihrer Familie Dinge (Weihnachten, Skiferien) besprechen konnte. Hab mir gestern noch Cities Skylines 2 geholt und 2,5 Stunden gezockt. Besser als gedacht für einen Gelegenheitsspieler wie mich.
In manchen Bergtälern der Schweiz gibts das schon... auch dann trifft dieses Teletubbie-Maimai recht gut zu...
Info: This article is more than 10 years old.
Für mich ist das Original eher Rowan Atkinson... Mr. Bean in Room 426 | Episode 8
I'm from switzerland and i adore finland!
Thanks :) I have not replaced it jet, but i want to mention:
- The speed i reach easily dropped from 44.5 to 42 km/h
- The Distance i can max. travel in turbomode dropped from 47km to 42km. On the display it still showes 47 fully charged, but the 5km just vanish on tour.
Did the mathfor the wingspan: 5555555 small eagles or 4347826 big eagles or 434782608 sparrows
(I know you were just joking)
My wife orders the weekly groceries home every 1-2 weeks. The delivery fee for purchases over 150.- is only 4.95, which easily pays for itself with the drive and the parking fee to the nearest shopping center (8km). In addition, in this setup i also have to carry the purchases only from the front door to the basement.
Edit: We use Public transportation a lot. For the normal bike we use the Thule Chariot Sport as a trailer. For the daily needs (fresh bread, somtimes mising butter or milk...) we shop localy in th village, also with bike and backbag or the biketrailer.
I understand exactly what you mean. The insurance for me (accident-free and driving safety course) was 500.-, plus road taxes of c. 250.-... and that every year...
Guter, informativer Beitrag. Danke fürs verlinken.
Dass die Gemeinde so heissen darf war lange umstritten, da das Städchen daneben bereits "Unterseen" hiess, was faktisch das selbe bedeutet.