Once drinking is the reward instead of the punishment, drinking games get so much more fun for everyone. Yours sounds fun plus simple, I will definitely keep it in mind!
I have to ask, because my non-native speaking ass thought you were wrong for a moment. Context aside, it "affects" the body and therefore "has an effect on" the body, right?
Imagine bringing home your date and they take off their jacket just to show off the chest warmer.
Also, sometimes you're not depressed, you're just dehydrated. And now drink a glass of liquid, everyone!
Imagine thinking a hobby needed to be useful.
Der neuste Trend bei Reinigungsprodukten: "Mit pflanzlichen Inhaltsstoffen". Als wäre das was revolutionäres und nicht absolut nichtssagend.
"I can change him!" - me justifying getting together with my nonvegan manchild, 2015 (we're getting divorced now)
Everytime I begin to think that Nestle isn't that much worse than others (because most big companies are fucked up in one way or the other) they pull shit like this.
"It might be time to move onto a new topic."
Das ist unfair, die Hundespermagurglergemeinschaft hat sich schon mehrfach von ihm distanziert!
Zabe Sounds kinda badass tho
I love seeing wildlife getting released. So heartwarming! ❤️💯